小學三年級英語詩歌:My Teacher Calls Me Sweetie Cakes
My teacher calls me sweetie cakes.
My classmates think it's funny
to hear her call me angel face
or pookie bear or honey.
She calls me precious baby doll.
She calls me pumpkin pie
or doodle bug or honey bunch
or darling butterfly.
My class is so embarassing
I need to find another;
just any class at all
in which the teacher's not my mother.
小學三年級英語詩歌:Veronica Ving
Veronica Ving loves to warble and sing
as she dances and spins like a top.
She yodels and croons like romantic raccoons.
We've complained but she simply won't stop.
Veronica chirps and she gargles and burps
as she wiggles her hands in the air.
She jumps up and down like a rodeo clown
while the rest of us sit there and stare.
Veronica chants as she breaks into dance.
It's like watching a crazy burlesque.
We try to be kind, and I don't think we'd mind,
but she does this in class on her desk.
小學三年級英語詩歌:My New School
You won't believe the crazy things
I'm learning how to do.
I'm learning how to juggle,
ride a unicycle, too.
I now know how to twist balloons
in many different shapes
and how to make a costume
out of multicolored drapes.
I've learned to run in floppy shoes
and how to dye my hair.
I've even learned the graceful art
of dancing with a bear.
For when we moved, my parents looked
at many different towns,
but chose a place with just one school:
a school for circus clowns.
小學三年級英語詩歌:I Am a Clam
I am a clam.
A clam I am.
I often engage in foolery.
I dress in hats
and coats and spats
and gaudy flamboyant jewelry.
The clothes I wear
with flash and flair
are part of my notoriety.
I fancy furs
and boots with spurs
and vests of a wide variety.
So bring me suits
and hats and boots
and cover me up in finery.
Then buy me gowns
and capes and crowns
befitting a dandy dinery.
Yes, give me shirts
and sequined skirts
and swaddle me all in flashiness.
I do not care
if what I wear
is truly the height of trashiness.
I need a dress
of such excess,
it couldn't be any louder.
There's just one thing
you mustn't bring;
I'm really not fond of chowder.
小學三年級英語詩歌:My Mom's a Vegetarian
My mom's a vegetarian.
She never touches meat.
My father is a carnivore.
It's all he'll ever eat.
My brother won't eat vegetables.
My sister won't eat fish.
The baby dumps her food out
and attempts to eat the dish.
With me, there's something different
in every lunch I bring.
Yes, I'm a cafeterian
and I'll eat anything!
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