誤譯:Those who try to win popularity by deception will fall down sooner or later。
正譯:Those who try to win popularity by deception will make a fool of themselves sooner or later。
解釋:這句話的“栽跟頭”不是“摔倒”的意思,而是“出醜”。to fall down 的字面意義是“摔倒”,而其比喻意義是 to be not true or not good enough,即“不夠好”,都沒有“出醜”的含義。
“跟頭”的第一個意思是“身體向下彎曲而翻轉的動作”,亦作“筋斗”。可以譯為 somersault。“翻跟頭”,英語可以譯為 to do/make/turn/perform a somersault, to somersault。例如:
1. 孫悟空一個筋斗十萬八千里。Starting with a somersault, the Monkey King could cover as far as one hundred and eight thousand li。
“跟頭”的第二個意思是“失去平衡而摔倒的動作”。英語可以譯為fall。“栽跟頭”或“摔跟頭”。英語可以譯為to have a fall, to fall down, to go head over heels。例如:
2. 她在結冰的道路上摔了一個大跟頭,結果摔斷了胳膊。She had a bad fall on the icy road and broke her arm。
“跟頭”的第三個意思是比喻“遭遇挫折,犯錯誤,失敗或出醜”。表示這個意義的“栽跟頭”或“摔跟頭”,英語可以譯為to make a mistake, to meet with a setback, to suffer a setback, to make a fool of oneself, to come to a failure。例如:
3. 如果你這麼胡來,早晚是要栽跟頭的。If you keep on acting recklessly like this, you’ll suffer a setback sooner or later。
誤譯:Those who try to win popularity by deception will fall down sooner or later。
正譯:Those who try to win popularity by deception will make a fool of themselves sooner or later。
解釋:這句話的“栽跟頭”不是“摔倒”的意思,而是“出醜”。to fall down 的字面意義是“摔倒”,而其比喻意義是 to be not true or not good enough,即“不夠好”,都沒有“出醜”的含義。
“跟頭”的第一個意思是“身體向下彎曲而翻轉的動作”,亦作“筋斗”。可以譯為 somersault。“翻跟頭”,英語可以譯為 to do/make/turn/perform a somersault, to somersault。例如:
“跟頭”的第二個意思是“失去平衡而摔倒的動作”。英語可以譯為fall。“栽跟頭”或“摔跟頭”。英語可以譯為to have a fall, to fall down, to go head over heels。例如:
2. 她在結冰的道路上摔了一個大跟頭,結果摔斷了胳膊。She had a bad fall on the icy road and broke her arm。
3. 如果你這麼胡來,早晚是要栽跟頭的。If you keep on acting recklessly like this, you’ll suffer a setback sooner or later。
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