工程師們正在研發一種全新的網際網路連線技術。它可以在很短的時間內攜帶大量的資料,甚至可能給上網衝浪者***the Net surfers***帶來驚喜。這如技術將開啟一條通道,這條通道的資料傳輸速度比現行網路技術的傳輸速度要快上數千倍。如果一切如願,也許很快,所有人都能享用超高速的資料傳輸服務。這項技術也許能幫助我們解決網路流量***Internet traffic***激增的難題。
Engineers are developing a new technology of Internet connection.It could carry a lot of data duringa very short period of time and it might even surprise the Net surfers.This technology would open upa route through which data can be sent at the speed that is thousands of times faster than thecurrent speed.If all goes to plan,the data transmission service with super-high speed may soon beavailable to all.This technology might help us to solve the problem related with sharp growth inInternet traffic.
1.給上網衝浪者帶來驚喜:“給…帶來驚喜”譯為surprise…;“上網衝浪者”譯為the Net surfers。
Pollution has become a social problem in today's world because people in an increasingly populatedand industrialized world are polluting the environment in which they live.The growing populationincreases the demands for the world s limited water and land.This rise in population is followed bymore and more people's desire for a better standard of living.So the greater need forelectricity,water and merchandise will inevitably bring about more waste materials that need to bedisposed of.The problem has raised increasing concern for creatures and their environment.
1.人口越來越多,社會也越來越工業化:此處可以不用翻譯為比較句,可用increasingly“越來越多”來表示,譯為an increasingly populated and industrialized world。
2.人口增長增加了人們對世界上有限的水和土地的需求:“…的需求可用the demands for...表示。與demand搭配的常用短語還有:market demand***市場需求、domestic demand***內需、aesthetic demand ***審美需求***expand the domestic demand***擴大內需***。
3.這個問題已經引起人們對生物及其環境的日益關注:“引起對...的關注可用raise concern for".表示。concern常與其他詞構成片語,例如:arouse/draw public concern***起公共關注***。
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