近年來,中國碩士研究生招收***recruitment***規模不斷擴大,致使本科生報考碩士研究生的人數逐年增加。除了大學畢業生對學術的追求以及社會對高階人才***top-level talent***的需求增加外,就業壓力大也是造成考研熱***postgraduate craze***的關鍵因素。基於人才市場競爭日益激烈,工作崗位供不應求,很多大學生畢業後選擇繼續深造而不是就業。雖然考研熱在某種程度上反映了社會需求,但是也給大學生帶來了巨大的心理壓力。因此,中國高校需向學生提供適當的就業指導。
China is expanding its recruitment of postgraduates in recent years. As a result, the number ofundergraduates taking graduate school entrance exam is increasing with each passing year.Besides college graduates,academic pursuit and the society's increasing demand for top-leveltalents, intense employment pressure is the key contributor to postgraduate craze. As thecompetition in the job market is increasingly fierce and supply of jobs fails short of demand,many college choose to further their study rather than enter the job market after graduation.Although postgraduate craze is to some extent an indication of social needs, it also bringsenormous psychological stress to college students. Therefore, universities in China shouldprovide students with prefer career guidance.
1.第一句話較長,前後兩個短句含因果關係,但敘述的主體各不同,分別為“招收規模”和“報考人數”,故可拆譯為兩個句子,用短語as a result承接,突出因果關係,即譯為China is expanding its recruitment of...As a result, the number of...。
2.第二句話中的“大學畢業生對學術的追求”和“社會對高階人才的需求增加”可處理成名詞性短語,跟在Besides之後,即分別譯為 college graduates, academic pursuit 和 the society's increasing demand fortop-level talents。
3.第三句“基於人才市場競爭…”中,“人才市場競爭日益激烈,工作崗位供不應求”和“很多大學生畢業後選擇…”暗含因果關係,故可用連詞as將二者翻譯成主從句的形式,即As the competition in the jobmarket...and supply of jobs..., many college students choose to...。
4.“考研熱在某種程度上反映了社會需求”這句話中的“反映了”有兩種譯法,一是譯成名詞形式an indicationof...是翻譯成動詞reflect。
電子商務在近幾年迅猛發展,使傳統零售業遭受重擊。傳統零售業的營業收入大幅減少,而電子商務卻佔領了原屬於傳統零售業的市場。在過去的一年中,很多品牌關閉了全國的幾千個實體店***physical store***。對於很多消費者來說,線上購物已成為他們生活中不可缺少的一部分,因此在實體店消費的時間和金額就下降了。分析家預測,在5年內電子商務將佔據中國零售總額的1/5,因而一些傳統零售店很可能被逐漸取代。
E-commerce has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, giving a heavy blow to thetraditional retail industry. The revenue of the traditional retail industry has shrunksubstantially, and its market has been occupied by e-commerce. In the past year, companiesof a great many brands closed thousands of physical stores nationwide. For many consumers,online shopping has become an indispensable part of their lives; thus they spend less timeand money in physical stores. Analysts predict e-commerce will account for a fifth of the totalretail sales in China within 5 years, so some traditional retail stores might be replacedgradually.
1.翻譯第一句時,可以將前半句“電子商務在近幾年迅猛發展”譯為一個句子,後半句“使傳統零售業遭受重擊”用現在分詞短語giving a heavy blow to...表達,表結果。
4.“對於很多消費者來說…就下降了”由兩個分句組成,存在因果關係。“在實體店消費的時間和金額就下降了”,在翻譯時可增譯主語they,將“下降”理解為“花的時間和金額減少了”,翻譯為they spend less time andmoney in physical stores.
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