莫言,因其作品“將魔幻現實主義與民間故事、歷史與當代社會融合在一起”而獲得諾貝爾文學獎,是首位獲此殊榮的中國籍作家。莫言生於山東高密,從小輟學,21歲離家參軍。許多人是通過導演張藝謀的電影《紅高粱》 ***Red Sorghum ***才知道莫言的,《紅高粱》正是改編自莫言的同名小說。莫言小說中的故事多發生在高密,在三十幾年的寫作生涯中,這個地方激發了他許多創作靈感。
Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer who received the honor of winning the Nobel Prize inLiterature as his works “merges folk tales, history and the contemporary society withhallucinatory realism”. Born in Gaomi in Shandong Province, Mo Yan dropped out of schoolduring childhood and left home to join the army at the age of 21. Many people came to knowMo Yan through director Zhang Yimou's film Red Sorghum, which is adapted from Mo Yan'snovel of the same name. In most cases, stories of Mo Yan's novels occur in Gaomi, and it's thisplace that inspires his writing greatly during his over 30-year writing career.
1.魔幻現實主義:該句是諾貝爾委員會給莫言的頒獎詞,原句中魔幻現實主義使用了 hallucinatoryrealism,而非 magic realism;當然 hallucinatory 比較生僻,譯為magic也可以。
2.獲此殊榮:即“贏得這份榮譽”,故可譯為receive the honor。
3.輟學:可譯為drop out of school。leave school並不能準確表達裰學的語義。
4.改編:可用adapt,從哪裡改編用adapt from...
5.寫作生涯:翻譯為writing career。
6.激發了他許多創作靈感:可譯為inspires his writing greatly。inspire意為“激發;鼓舞”。
《西遊記》是吳承恩寫的一部神話小說***mythological novel***,講述的是唐僧在三個徒弟孫悟空、豬八戒和沙僧的保護下去西天取經***to find the Buddhist scripture ***的故事。一路上,唐僧經常被妖怪***demon ***捉走,性命垂危,因為它們相信吃了他的肉就可以長生不老,因而他的三個徒弟總要一次又一次地解救他。在歷經了九九81難之後,他們終於取得了真經,修煉成佛。1986年,這部小說被改編為電視劇,受到了廣大觀眾的喜愛。
Journey to the West is a mythological novel written by Wu Cheng'en which tells a story aboutTangseng—the Master, who went to the West to find the Buddhist scripture under theprotection of his three disciples- Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy. During the journey, Tangsengis often captured and has his life threatened, because the demons who capture him believethat if they eat Tangseng they can attain immortality. As a result, his three disciples alwayshave to save him time and again. After experiencing 81 difficulties, the four obtain the truescripture and become Buddha. In 1986,the novel was adapted into a TV series, which wasvery popular among the massive audience.
1.徒弟孫悟空、豬八戒和沙僧:有固定的譯法,分別為Monkey King,Pigsy和Sandy。這裡的“徒弟”翻譯為disciples ***門徒,弟子***最為恰當。
2.在...的保護下:應譯為 under the protection of...
3.性命垂危:不可翻譯為somebody's life is very dangerous,而應譯為have one's life threatened,即“生命受到威脅”。
4.長生不老:有多種譯法,既可譯為live forever,也可譯為be immortal或 attain immortality。
5.九九81難:可譯為81 difficulties。文中的九九表達的意思和81是一樣的, 所以譯文中可以不體現。
6修煉成佛:直接譯為become Buddha即可。除表示“佛像”之外,Buddha 在表示“佛”的時候單複數形式相同。
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