The old woman and the doctor
An old woman lost her sight and called a doctor for help. She said, "If you heal me, I will give you a large sum of money." And she said this in front of many people.
The doctor agreed, and he came every day to put medicine in her eyes. But each time he came, he stole something from her house.
Finally, he stole all of her valuable things. Then he gave her new medicine and healed her.When he was done, he demanded that she give him the money.
But the woman saw that her things were gone, and said no.
The doctor brought a judge to the woman's house. He thought, "I will certainly win such a simple case."
The judge asked the woman, "Did you promise to give him money." The doctor said, "She did. Many people heard."
The woman said sadly, "It is true," and the doctor smiled.
But then she said, "Before I lost my sight, though, I saw valuable things in my house. Many people also saw them. But now I don't see them. So the doctor has not really healed my eyes."
The judge decided that the woman was right.
The man who loved money
Once upon a time, there was a man who loved money. He loved it so much that he wouldn't spend any of the money he earned. He wouldn't part with even a tiny bit.
This stingy man didn't buy new clothes. Instead, he wore old clothes that he found in the garbage. He didn't buy food, either, and he became skinnier and skinnier.
He put all the money that he saved in a box and hid it under his bed. Every night, he opened the box and looked at all his money.
One night, the man looked in the box and the money was gone! Someone had stolen it! "I've been robbed!" he shouted. "My precious money is gone!" He lay down on the bed and cried and cried.
The neighbors heard him and came over to see what was wrong. When they heard the story, one neighbor said, "Don't cry over your money. You never used it anyway. Fill the box with paper and imagine it is money. It will do you just as much good."
The deer at the pond
There once lived a deer who had large, strong antlers. The antlers protected the deer from attacks, so enemies left him alone.
One day, the deer went to a pond to drink. The water was like a mirror. When the deer looked at his big antlers in the water, he was proud. "I look like a king," he said, "and this forest is my kingdom."
Then he noticed something else. "My legs are slender and my feet are small," he said. "They look so weak. I hate them."
While the deer was complaining, a wolf appeared at the pond. When the deer saw him, he ran toward the trees. The wolf quickly ran after him.
The deer was a fast runner and reached the trees first,but then his large antlers got stuck in some branches. When the wolf caught up to him, the deer cried out with regret.
"I admired my antlers, but they are the cause of my troubles. My legs and feet could have saved me, but I hated them. I didn't appreciate what was truly valuable!"
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