


  Do you work for a manager who meets all your expectations? Do you get along well and respect one another's abilities? If you answered yes to both of these questions, consider yourself lucky. 但是,也有不少職場中人常常有這樣的疑問:What can I talk about with the boss especially when having the boss riding along on a long trip?


  Thomas對這次出差感到非常緊張。He has to deal with the boss the whole trip. "Nothing is more stressful than going on a trip with the boss." 而且,這次商務旅行的行程安排得非常緊湊,二人對此都感到很不滿。 "They've scheduled the first meeting for 9:30a.m." "That's terrible! Don't they know how long it takes to get there?" 另外,Thomas抱怨很多時候,什麼事情還沒有確定下來,大家就要跑老遠的路過去開會。"The worst thing is, half the time noting is decided1 on these visits-there's no point in going all the way there, anyway." 事實上,雖然Thomas可以幾天不去公司,不用做飯,但是他要成天和老闆在一起。" But I don't get away from the boss." 所以He is down in the dumps。

  Thomas的一系列抱怨表明他在和上司相處的時候感到壓力萬分,他和上司的關係似乎很普通或者不是很好。It's normal to have differences of opinion and style with your supervisor2. 所以這時候Thomas最應該做的就是learn to accept these differences and work with them to limit his workplace stress。既然Having a healthy relationship with your supervisor usually means you're more satisfied with the work you do and have less stress,我們就來談幾條和上司的相處之道。

  How to Get Along with Your Supervisor

  1 Show respect.Your boss is responsible for your work and the work of your colleagues. That can be a significant burden. Try to understand the business from your boss's perspective. 尊重上司,站在他的角度去理解問題。

  2 Don't be afraid of your boss. Some supervisors3 can be intimidating4, but remember, your boss needs you. Your performance is often key to the success of your boss. 不要懼怕你的領導。即使他很強勢,他還是希望你為他分憂。

  3 Don't try to hide problems.First, try to solve the problem. If you can't and the problem becomes serious, let your supervisor know as soon as possible. 碰到你無法解決的事情要及時向上司彙報,不要讓其他人把你的問題彙報給上司。

  4 Give honest feedback. Of course, temper your honesty with diplomacy5. Choose your words wisely and use a gentle tone. Both should promote and contribute to an environment of mutual6 respect. 對上司講真話。當然,你要小心措辭。

  5 Maintain your boundaries. Getting too cozy7 too soon may lead to trouble. Not to mention that many bosses like to keep a professional veil between themselves and their employees.和上司過快地表現得很親近可能會有麻煩,所以還是保持一定的距離比較好。

  6 Manage your anger. This doesn't mean you have to sit and stew8 when you're angry. But learn how to communicate your anger appropriately. 在上司面前發火只會說明你缺乏自控能力。你要學會合理地化解鬱氣。

  7 Learn to translate boss language. "If it's not too much trouble" means "Do it, and the sooner the better". 你要學會“翻譯”上司的話語,當上司說“如果這不是太麻煩的話”,他的實際意思是“做吧,儘快去做”。

  8 Embrace your strengths and face your shortcomings. Recognize your own talents and nurture9 them. Ask your supervisor for advice to help you grow in areas where you're weak. Take his or her advice and make an honest effort to improve. 發揚優點,改正缺點。


  How to Be a Cool Colleague

  1 Don't steal other people's things. Yes, we all like to borrow a stapler10 or mug every now and again, but return it. Nothing is more infuriating however minor11 it seems. 借了同事的東西一定要歸還。

  2 Be trustworthy.If you are told a secret once and you share it, don't ever expect to be trusted again. 做個值得信賴的人,不要到處傳話。

  3 Don't expect your colleagues to carry your workload13. The working week ends on Friday afternoon - not Thursday lunchtime.自己分內的工作自己完成。

  4 Acknowledge other people's successes with good grace and good humour. 真心讚賞同事的成就。

  5 Remember, if you're gossiping and backstabbing someone, that person will assume you are doing it about them, too. In the office, be kind, considerate and keep your nose clean. 辦公室裡不議論他人,不攻擊他人。

  6 To make the right decisions and push them through, you will need the kid gloves more often than the boxing gloves. 做出一個正確的決定並去實現它,你更需要的是哄小孩的耐性,而不是要和自己的同事拼個你死我活。

  現在,你已經和上司、同事之間關係融洽,相處和諧,那麼接下來,你需要做的就是充分在眾人面前展露自我,露出鋒芒。Many of us feel tense, afraid, or inadequate14 in speaking in front of people. However, making a speech becomes a useful and necessary way to communicate with your colleagues or supervisors.

  How to Present Yourself in Public

  1 Mental and Physical Preparation. Gather your thoughts through deep breathing and stretching to calm your nervousness.Mental imagery is a tool for a speaker to minimize or eliminate any negative thoughts or fears about speaking.心理和生理上一起做好放鬆的準備。

  2 Proper Attire15. Do not wear anything that takes away from your presentation such as big jewelry16, loud colors, or excessive makeup17 unless it is part of your presentation. 注意著裝,這會是聽眾第一件留意的事情。

  3 Stop comparing yourself with other people. There will always be some people who have more than you and some who have less. If you play the comparison game, you'll run into too many "opponents" you can't defeat. 專心做好自己,不要陷入和他人比較的怪圈。

  4 Accept all compliments with "thank you." When you reject a compliment, the message you give yourself is that you are not worthy12 of praise. 接受每聲讚美並真誠道謝。

  5 Use eye communication. Find friendly faces and connect with the audience. Try to focus on connecting with your audience and eye contact will become comfortable. 用眼神和聽眾進行良好的交流。

  6 Be extremely aware of your facial expressions and gestures. Always remember to smile at the audience. Use positive or open gestures instead of negative or closed gestures. 始終保持微笑並運用合理的手勢。


  Tips for Meeting Management

  1 Ensure Appropriate Participants at the Meeting.Postpone18 the meeting rather than holding a meeting without critical staff members. 為了提高會議決策效率,需要確保會議關鍵人員到場。

  2 Involve Each Participant in Actions. This ensures that each participant is invested in the topic of the meeting and in the follow-up. You’ll accomplish more results with the whole team pulling than with one dominant19 staff person trying to push everyone else up the hill. 調動所有人的積極性,確保每個與會者都在獻計獻策。

  3 Be a referee20 and employ a time-keeper. Have one person in the meeting be the slavish time-keeper so you can focus on facilitating, summarizing, clarifying, and just keeping things moving. 嚴格控制會議時間和節奏,確保議題的討論順利進行。

  4 Have a theme. Make it clear why this meeting is happening, why each person is participating at a given time, and then use your agenda to amplify21 how the theme will be explored in each section of the meeting. 引導大家圍繞議題展開討論,防止跑題。

  5 Stay on target. As soon as the needed permission, notification, or task assignment is completed, just move on to the next item. 目標明確,一個問題解決之後立即解決下一個。

  6 Follow up If you have been utilizing22 a project manager or note taker, be sure to use a few minutes at the end for him or her to review any major new projects or action items that were generated in the meeting. 給做會議紀要的人幾分鐘的時間,讓其把決議重點重申一下。

  怎麼樣,看到這裡,心中是不是有一種衝動,想要轟轟烈烈地幹一番大事業?Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 現在就開始行動吧!If at first you don't succeed,try,try again. 當然啦,也不要給自己過大的壓力,祝你好運!