On the day of our final exam at my Community College in Santa Maria, Calif., we heard that the bookstore had changed its policy and would buy back our business-management textbooks. Before class, several of us dashed over to the store and sold our books. We were seated and waiting for the test when our professor announced that considering the difficulty of the final, it would be an open-book exam.
The landlady said to the hard-up author: "When will you pay arrears***拖欠,滯付*** of room rent?"
The author replied: "I will pay you as soon as I receive the check that the publisher will send me if he accepts the novel that I am about to start writing when I have found a suitable subject and the necessary inspiration. "
The speaker found some people leaving the building during the meeting.
He was annoyed. Then he had an idea. When someone else started out, the called out to the man:" Wait a minute, I’ll go with you to see what is on the outside, It must be more interesting than what is going on here."
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