Moe, Larry and Curly had been stranded on a desert island. They were walking alongdisconsolately when Moe happened to kick a bottle lying in the sand. The bottle broke and a genie suddenly emerged before them.
"Thank you. oh Masters, for releasing me from my captivity. For your kindness, please allow me to grant you each a wish. "
"Well, it's not too difficult to figure out what I want," said Moe. "I wish l were back home. "
No sooner had he said the words than he was back in dear old Brooklyn.
"I want to be back home, too," said I Larry, and he, too, was instantly transported.
" Gee, it's lone some here without Moe and Larry," said Curly. "I wish they were here to keep me company. "
"Say, that's an interesting pair of socks you've got on, Charlie, one green and one red. "
"Yeah, and I've got another pair just like it at home."
Moe, Larry, and Curly were wandering in the Arabian desert when they were captured by a band of ferocious Bedouin.
"By the code of the desert you miserable infidels must be destroyed," declared their savage leader. "Set up the guillotine !"
Moe was the first to be ordered to the death instrument.
The blade descended but, amazingly, stopped just short of his neck.
"It's a miracle! " declared the Arab. "Release him!"
Next, Larry placed his head under the huge, razor-sharp blade. But once again it stopped short of his neck.
"By Allah, another miracle!" affirmed the sheik once more. "Release him! "
Finally, Curly was led to the ominous device. Looking closely he noticed a splinter of wood blocking the path of the blade.
"Well, no wonder it,s not working," he announced.
"Here's your problem right here."
Every morning on his way to work, a businessman passed a house where he saw a woman beating her looy on the head with a loaf of bread.
But on this particular day, he noticed that she was hitting him with a piece of chocolate cake.
Unable to restrain his curiosity, he rang the doorbell and the woman answere .
"Madam, I couldn't help but notice that every day you beat your child with a loaf of bread. . . "
"That's true ."
"And yet today I observed that you were hitting him with a piece of chocolate cake. ',
“Well, today's his birthday. ”
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