A political speaker was annoyed by a man in the audience. The man coughed and sneezed and blew his nose almost constantly.
Finally the speaker was unable to stand it. He very politely said to the man: "You are having so much discomfort. If you go out to the open air, it might be good for your cold."
The man replied: "I haven't any cold. I'm just allergic to lies."
The speaker found some people leaving the building during the meeting.
He was annoyed. Then he had an idea. When someone else started out, the called out to the man:" Wait a minute, I’ll go with you to see what is on the outside, It must be more interesting than what is going on here."
An editor stuck up a notice above his desk. It read, "Accuracy! Accuracy! Accuracy!" and he always pointed it out to the new reporters.
One day a young reporter came to hand in his report of a public meeting. The editor read it through and noticed the sentence, "Three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine eyes werefixed upon the speaker."
He demanded angrily, "What do you mean by making a stupid mistake like that?" The reporter protested, "But it's not a mistake. There was a one-eyed man in the audience."
有個主編在他的辦公桌的上方貼了一條標語,寫著“準確”“ 準確”“準確!”而且總是向新來的記者指出它。
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