The first mate was found to be drunk one day and that day it happened to be the captain’s turn to write in the ship' s log so he wrote: The first mate was drunk today.
He begged and pleaded to the captain to remove that entry but the captain argued that once an entry was made in the company’s Log it couldn’t be deleted. 'The first mate decided to get even. The next time when it was the first mate's turn to write in the log, he wrote: The captain was sober today.
A surgeon returned from a safari in Africa.
"How did it go?" asked his colleagues.
"Oh , it was very disappointing," replied the surgeon.
"I didn't kill a thing. In fact, I'd have been better off staying here in the hospital. "
The psychiatrist was a bit perturbed. He had cured his patient of his delusions but still the man did not seem happy.
"What's the matter, Mr. Jones?" he inquired. "Aren't you glad to be dealing with the worldrealistically?"
"Oh, sure. Doc, sure .... Only, last year I was Genghis Khan and now I' m nobody ! "
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