An 84-year-old retired stockbroker was admitted to our hospital's intensive-care unit,sufferingfrom a peptic ulcer and shock from internal hemorrhage. As intravenous lines were startedand fluid infused, his vital signs improved rapidly.
The nurses dramatically announced the blood-pressure readings, starting at the shock level
of 60 and increasing to '70...80...90'
There was no doubt about the patient's successful recovery when in the midst of theirintonations, he suddenly yelled, When it gets to 110---SELL.'
我們醫院的特護部收治了一位84歲的退休證券經紀人,他患有消化系統潰瘍,引發內出血而休克。 隨著靜脈注射管的架起,藥液的注入,它很快現實復甦的跡象。
:Two Skulls
Tourist: Whose skull is it?
Guide: That is the skull of Julius Caesar.
Tourist: Then whose is that small one beside it?
Guide: That, sir, is the skull of Julius Caesar when he was a small boy.
:論奇蹟On Miracle
In Sunday school, the minister was trying to illustrate the word miracle. "Boys and girls," hesaid, "suppose I stood on the roof of a ten-story building, lost my balance and fell off. Then allof a sudden in midair, a whirlwind swept me up and brought me safely to the ground. Now whatword would you use to describe this?"
After a long silence a boy raised his hand and said, "Luck?"
"True, ture," replied the minister. "It could be luck - but that's not the word I wanted. I'll repeatthe story. There I am on top of the ten-story building again, and I fall. A whirlwind catches mein midair and places me safely on the ground. Think now - what word would decribe thesituation?"
"Accident," cried out one girl.
"No, no," answered the minister. "Listen carefully for the third time. I'm on the same building; Ifall and am swept to safety by a sudden whirlwind. What word could account for my safelyreaching the ground?"
The boys and girls shouted in unison:"Practice!"
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