英語詩歌是一個國家語言的濃縮 ,它以最凝鍊的文字傳遞了時間與空間、物質與精神、理智與情感 ,其中的文化因素是理解和欣賞詩歌的關鍵。小編精心收集了適合小學生三年級英文詩歌,供大家欣賞學習!
重帷深下莫愁堂, 臥後清宵細細長。
神女生涯原是夢, 小姑居處本無郎。
***不信菱枝弱, 月露誰教桂葉香。
直道相思了無益, 未妨惆悵是清狂。
to one unnamed ii
li shangyin
there are many curtains in your care-free house,
where rapture lasts the whole night long.
...what are the lives of angels but dreams
if they take no lovers into their rooms?
...storms are ravishing the nut-horns,
moon- dew sweetening cinnamon-leaves
i know well enough naught can come of this union,
yet how it serves to ease my heart!
猿鳥猶疑畏簡書, 風雲常為護儲胥。
徒令上將揮神筆, 終見降王走傳車。
管樂有才原不忝, 關張無命欲何如?
他年錦裡經祠廟, 梁父吟成恨有餘。
in the camp of the sketching brush
li shangyin
monkeys and birds are still alert for your orders
and winds and clouds eager to shield your fortress.
...you were master of the brush, and a sagacious general,
but your emperor, defeated, rode the prison-cart.
you were abler than even the greatest zhou statesmen,
yet less fortunate than the two shu generals who were killed in action.
and, though at your birth-place a temple has been built to you,
you never finished singing your song of the holy mountain
錦瑟無端五十弦, 一弦一柱思華年。
莊生曉夢迷蝴蝶, 望帝春心託杜鵑。
滄海月明珠有淚, 藍田日暖玉生煙。
此情可待成追憶, 只是當時已惘然。
the inlaid harp
li shangyin
i wonder why my inlaid harp has fifty strings,
each with its flower-like fret an interval of youth.
...the sage chuangzi is day-dreaming, bewitched by butterflies,
the spring-heart of emperor wang is crying in a cuckoo,
mermen weep their pearly tears down a moon-green sea,
blue fields are breathing their jade to the sun....
and a moment that ought to have lasted for ever
has come and gone before i knew.
紫泉宮殿鎖煙霞, 欲取蕪城作帝家。
玉璽不緣歸日角, 錦帆應是到天涯。
於今腐草無螢火, 終古垂楊有暮鴉。
地下若逢陳後主, 豈宜重問後庭花?
the palace of the sui emperor
li shangyin
his palace of purple spring has been taken by mist and cloud,
as he would have taken all yangzhou to be his private domain
but for the seal of imperial jade being seized by the first tang emperor,
he would have bounded with his silken sails the limits of the world.
fire-flies are gone now, have left the weathered grasses,
but still among the weeping-willows crows perch at twilight.
...if he meets, there underground, the later chen emperor,
do you think that they will mention a song of courtyard flowers?
a farewell to wei wan
li qi
the travellers' parting-song sounds in the dawn.
last night a first frost came over the river;
and the crying of the wildgeese grieves my sad heart
bounded by a gloom of cloudy mountains....
here in the gate city, day will flush cold
and washing-flails quicken by the gardens at twilight --
how long shall the capital content you,
where the months and the years so vainly go by?
朝聞遊子唱驪歌, 昨夜微霜初度河。
鴻雁不堪愁裡聽, 雲山況是客中過。
關城樹色催寒近, 御苑砧聲向晚多。
莫見長安行樂處, 空令歲月易蹉跎。
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