Hard Work vs. Talent 努力VS天賦
Gyri: Okay. So Viyasan, what do you think is the most important, hard work or talent? Or what is more useful?
Viyasan: Hm. That's an interesting question, because I think they both play a role in whatever task that you're doing, but personally, I think that hard work is more important than talent. And I'll give you a couple examples of why I feel hard work is more important.
I think in order to master any skill, whether it's singing, whether it's dancing, whether it's performing well at a task, you need to stay focused on the task at hand. And some people are naturally good at that task. For example, if I'm really quick at typing on the computer, I'll be able to print out multiple spread sheets, complete a lot of work and finish my assignments faster.
However, I believe to really go above and beyond and master that skill, with that talent, hard work needs to be attributed as well. Without hard work, even if you're at typing on the computer, you might not want to feel like typing on a computer, you might be lazy and you just might not want to do that task.
But hard work trains you to become good at a task, and do it very well, master it, and become efficient with your time. And so that's why I think hard work outweighs talent, because I think there's more dedication in hard work, there's regimen in the hard work, and once you've mastered hard work in a specific skill, I think you can master it a lot more easier than someone who is naturally talented at that task.
Gyri: Yeah. I definitely agree. I think you pretty much summed it up though.
Viyasan: Yeah.
Gyri: But yeah, I agree that hard work is more important than talent, and you could be very talented, but if you don't have the work ethic, then it doesn't really matter. Or especially if we're thinking about getting jobs. So, yeah, hard work definitely is more important.
Birds Don't Fly 不會飛的鳥
Todd: So Rachel, you said that in your home country, New Zealand, there're lots of birds that don't fly?
Rachel: Yes, there are a lot of birds that don't fly.
Todd: Wow, so I only knew of the kiwi and of course the penguin, but I didn't know of other ones. So first the kiwi. It doesn't fly, right?
Rachel: That's the famous one.
Todd: Right.
Rachel: They don't fly but they can run very fast. I've seen them.
Todd: Like and are the kiwi all over? Like are there different types of kiwi?
Rachel: Yeah, there are several different varieties. They're very rare though, and they're nocturnal.
Todd: Oh, nocturnal.
Rachel: I'd say most New Zealanders have never seen one in the wild. I've only seen them in Kiwi parks.
Todd: Oh, really.
Rachel: Yeah, you don't see them.
Todd: So, I thought they'd be like kangaroos in Australia, or something like you go and there's one.
Rachel: No, they're very precious and very rare. One that you see more often is the pukeko which is ... it looks a little bit like a stork I suppose except it's dark blue.
Todd: What's it called?
Rachel: Pukeko.
Todd: Pukeko.
Rachel: Ah, yeah, and they're a lot more commom. And takahe is another one.
Todd: So the first one ...
Rachel: You can see them along the side of the road. When you're driving through the countryside they're much more common.
Todd: So this pukeko, does it fly?
Rachel: No, they don't fly.
Todd: Really, and it's like a stork. It has long legs?
Rachel: It has quite long legs. Yeah, it a very cute little bird, but it's very dark.
Todd: How tall is it? Like up to your knee? Up to your hip?
Rachel: Up to your knees.
Todd: Really.
Rachel: Cute little bird.
Todd: That's awesome. So what was the other one you mentioned?
Rachel: Takahe. It's very similar looking to that one. It's a little different. It's difficult to tell apart.
Todd: Really, and it's also kind of dark blueish.
Rachel: Yeah, another one's a kakapo. A very famous one. It's New Zealand's flightless green parrot. It's kind of like a large fat parrot that lives on the ground.
Todd: Really.
Rachel: It's extremely rare. I'm not sure what the numbers are now, but around twenty years ago I think there were only 45 left.
Todd: Oh, that is rare.
Rachel: Extremely rare, so there's an intensive breeding program for them, and of course nobody's seen those in the wild.
Todd: Yeah, you have to be careful or it'll go like the way of the Tasmanian tiger.
Rachel: Yeah, they breed and they nest on the ground. They lay their eggs on the ground, so they're very vulnerable to introduced predators, to any animals.
Life in Italy 義大利的生活
Todd: So Shantel, you were saying that you grew up in a small town and had a very rustic life, but then you moved overseas to Italy, correct?
Shantel: Yes. I moved to Bologna. Bologna, Italy.
Todd: Wow that's such a huge transition, what was that like? Why did you move to Italy?
Shantel: Oh wow. So I moved to Italy because I was studying abroad during my junior year at university. And so, I was to do an immersion program at the University of Bologna, which means all of my classes were in Italian. All of my homework, all of my exams, everything was completely in Italian. And I also had to find my own housing, which was also the first time I found housing on my own 'cause I had always lived in the university dorms at my university in the United States. And so, yeah. To navigate one a new city, a city in general and then finding my first apartment, and learning how to survive a new university system. It was exhilarating and very exciting. Yeah, I loved it.
Todd: That's so cool. So, what was it like when you first got to Italy? Did you have culture shock? You came from a small town environment and now you're living in a big city in Europe.
Shantel: I think my friends would probably say that I was very quick to trust everyone. As I mentioned before growing up in a small town, I knew all my neighbors and I was very trusting of strangers and very welcoming, and I still am. But in hindsight, when I moved to Italy I think I was maybe a little too naive sometimes and especially not knowing the language, it was easy to sort of put my trust or my faith in someone when I needed help because I needed help often, whether for translating or even just grocery shopping. And so, sometimes I think I look back I'm like, "Oh, maybe I should have walked away a little bit sooner," or something like that.
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