:It’s Good to Admit a Fault
John is not a “good” student. He always sleeps in the class. Today he sleeps again.
“John!” Teacher says angrily.
“What? What’s wrong?” John is awaken.
“Why do you make a face? It’s classroom. Look! Everyone is laughing.” Teacher says.
“No one is laughing.” Teacher says.
“No, it’s not me. I was not making a face. I was sleeping.” John fells upset.
“Um. Not bad. You can admit your fault. You are still a good boy.” Teacher is satisfied with it.
:I Don’t Like Her
Bob goes to a new school.
One day he comes back, “Bob, do you like your new teacher?” his mother asks.
“I don’t like her, Mother. Because first she says that three and three is six, and then she says that two and four is six, too.”
一天, 他回到家,他媽媽問他:“你喜歡你的新老師嗎?”
One day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads, see how the farms looked, and perhaps to see how farmers earned their living.
The city man saw a farmer in his yard, holding a pig up in his hands, and lifting it so that the pig could eat apples from an apple tree. The city man said to the farmer,“I see that your pig likes apples, but isn”t that quite a waste of time?” The farmer replied,“What's time to a pig?”
這位城裡人看見一位農夫在後院的草地上,手中抱著一頭豬,並舉得高高的,好讓它能吃到樹上的蘋果。城裡人對農夫說,“我看你的豬挺喜歡吃蘋果的,但這不是很浪費時間嗎?” 那位農夫回答說,“時間對豬有什麼意義?”
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