在古代,轎子***sedan chair***被視作中國的特殊交通工具。人們用肩膀和手抬轎子。轎子在宋代最常見。實際上,它是固定在兩根竹竿上的可移動椅子,有的有帳篷,有的沒有。歷史上,中國的轎子在很多地方十分流行。在不同的時代和地區,轎子的名稱也不同,如篼子***douzi***、暖轎***nuanjiao***等。我們今天所說的轎子是暖轎。說到轎子的型別,可分為三種:官轎,民轎和婚轎。就用途而言,轎子有兩種型別:山路轎子和平地轎子。
In ancient times,the sedan chair was considered as a special transportation vehicle in China. It is lifted with shoulders and hands. The sedan chair was the most' common in the Song Dynasty. In fact, it is a removable chair fixed on two poles with or without a tent. The Chinese sedan chair was very popular in many areas in histoiy. In different ages and areas,the sedan chair has various names, for example,douzi, nuanjiao, etc. The sedan chair we know now is nuanjiao. As far as its kind is concerned, the sedan chair can be categorized into three types: sedan chair for officials, common people and weddings. Regarding the purposes, the sedan chair falls into two types: one for mountain roads, and the other for flat roads.
1.特殊交通工具:可譯為special transportation vehicle。文中的“工具”翻譯為vehicle,是指“車輛工具”,這裡不要用tool, tool通常是指能拿在手裡、體積比較小的工具。
2.人們用肩膀和手抬轎:用被動語態翻譯可使結構更顯緊湊,如譯為主動句式 people lift it with shoulders and hands就顯得一般,而且這裡並不是強調 people,所以譯為被動句It is lifted with shoulders and hands.這樣上下文銜接更流楊。
3.固定在兩根竹竿上的:可譯為定語從句which is fixed on two poles。
4.有的有帳篷,有的沒有:可譯為with or without a tent。
5.不同的時代和地區:可譯為in different ages and areas,也可以說in different times and places。
6.說到...:可譯為When it comes to…
7.就用途而言:可譯為regarding the purposes。其中regarding意為“關於,至於”。
中國的扇子發明於3000多年以前,當時扇子只是用來遮擋陽光、保持涼爽。隨著時間的推移,扇子演變成了藝術品、地位的象徵、戲劇和舞蹈的道具***prop***以及浪漫的禮物。漢語中,“扇”字與“善”字同音。因此,扇子被視為能帶來好運的幸運符***good-luck charms***或慷慨的表現。圓扇子象徵團結或重聚,上面常常題有浪漫的詩詞、漢字或花卉圖案以代表財富和長壽。過去,中國的扇子常代表較高的社會地位。今天,它們常常被用於舞蹈中來體現優雅。
When first created 3,000 years ago, Chinese fans were merely used to block the sun and keep cool.As time goes by, they evolve into works of art, symbols of status, props for theaters and dances and romantic gifts.In Chinese language, the character for the word “fan” has the same pronunciation as the character for “kindness”.Thus, fans are regarded as good-luck charms or expressions of generosity.The round fans symbolize union or reunion, and are often inscribed with romantic poems,Chinese characters or flower patterns representing wealth and longevity.In the past,Chinese fans were often used to signify a high social status.Today they are used to display grace in dances.
1.遮擋陽光,保持涼爽:可譯為block the sun and keep cool。
2.隨著時間的推移:可譯為as time goes by。
3.地位的象徵:“地位”譯為status,“象徵”即symbol,故該處譯為symbol of status。
4.同音:即“同樣的發音”,故譯為same pronunciation。
5.被視為:可譯為be regarded as,也可譯為be considered as。
6.能帶來好運的幸運符:可譯為good-luck charms。
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