The Dentist Pulled My Tooth Out
The dentist pulled my tooth out
and he thought it was such fun
he grabbed his pliers
and dental pryers
and pulled another one.
"Yippee! Hooray! What awesome fun!"
he shouted out with glee.
He grinned a grin
then went back in
and pulled out number three.
Then number four and number five
and numbers six and seven
were followed by
a cheerful cry
Of "Eight! Nine! Ten! Eleven!"
He took a few more from the top
and some from underneath,
he yanked them fast
until at last
he'd pulled out all my teeth.
Without my teeth I cannot chew;
I just eat soup and mush.
But don't be sad
I'm kind of glad--
I'll never have to brush!
Science Unfair
I'm feeling so misunderstood,
mistreated, and harrassed.
For this week at the science fair
my project came in last.
I toiled away for weeks and weeks,
and, yet, to my surprise,
I didn't win a ribbon,
not a trophy nor a prize.
The science fair's the most unjust
of contests anywhere.
It may be scientific
but I still don't think it's fair.
Today I managed something
that I've never done before.
I turned in this week's spelling quiz
and got a perfect score.
Although my score was perfect
it appears I'm not too bright.
I got a perfect zero;
not a single answer right.
Benson Baxter
With a basketball, a bowling ball,
and baseball bat he came.
He had golf clubs, cleats and catcher's mitts
to help him in the game.
He had Rollerblades and elbow pads
with climbing ropes and straps,
plus athletic shorts and running shoes
to race a couple laps.
He was schlepping all his scuba gear,
his snorkel and his mask.
He had suitable accessories
for nearly any task.
He had helmets, hats and headgear.
He had uniforms galore.
Why, he even brought the costume
of a Spanish matador.
But though Benson Baxter came prepared
for almost every sport,
he forgot his tennis racquet,
so they threw him off the court.
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