to one unnamed i
li shangyin
you said you would come, but you did not, and you left me with no other trace
than the moonlight on your tower at the fifth-watch bell.
i cry for you forever gone, i cannot waken yet,
i try to read your hurried note, i find the ink too pale.
...blue burns your candle in its kingfisher-feather lantern
and a sweet breath steals from your hibiscus-broidered curtain.
but far beyond my reach is the enchanted mountain,
and you are on the other side, ten thousand peaks away.
來是空言去絕蹤, 月斜樓上五更鐘。
夢為遠別啼難喚, 書被催成墨未濃。
蠟照半籠金翡翠, 麝薰微度繡芙蓉。
劉郎已恨蓬山遠, 更隔蓬山一萬重。
spring rain
li shangyin
i am lying in a white-lined coat while the spring approaches,
but am thinking only of the white gate city where i cannot be.
...there are two red chambers fronting the cold, hidden by the rain,
and a lantern on a pearl screen swaying my lone heart homeward.
...the long road ahead will be full of new hardship,
with, late in the nights, brief intervals of dream.
oh, to send you this message, this pair of jade earrings! --
i watch a lonely wildgoose in three thousand miles of cloud.
悵臥新春白袷衣, 白門寥落意多違。
紅樓隔雨相望冷, 珠箔飄燈獨自歸。
遠路應悲春晼晚, 殘宵猶得夢依稀。
玉璫緘札何由達, 萬里雲羅一雁飛。
to one unnamed
li shangyin
time was long before i met her, but is longer since we parted,
and the east wind has arisen and a hundred flowers are gone,
and the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die
and every night the candles will weep their wicks away.
mornings in her mirror she sees her hair-cloud changing,
yet she dares the chill of moonlight with her evening song.
...it is not so very far to her enchanted mountain
o blue-birds, be listening!-bring me what she says!
相見時難別亦難, 東風無力百花殘。
春蠶到死絲方盡, 蠟炬成灰淚始乾。
曉鏡但愁雲鬢改, 夜吟應覺月光寒。
蓬萊此去無多路, 青鳥殷勤為探看。
staying at the general's headquarters
du fu
the autumn night is clear and cold in the lakka-trees of this courtyard.
i am lying forlorn in the river-town. i watch my guttering candle.
i hear the lonely notes of a bugle sounding through the dark.
the moon is in mid-heaven, but there's no one to share it with me.
my messengers are scattered by whirls of rain and sand.
city-gates are closed to a traveller; mountains are walls in my way --
yet, i who have borne ten years of pitiable existence,
find here a perch, a little branch, and am safe for this one night.
清秋幕府井梧寒, 獨宿江城蠟炬殘。
永夜角聲悲自語, 中天月色好誰看?
風塵荏苒音書絕, 關塞蕭條行陸難。
已忍伶俜十年事, 強移棲息一枝安。
a hearty welcome to vice-prefect cui
du fu
north of me, south of me, spring is in flood,
day after day i have seen only gulls....
my path is full of petals -- i have swept it for no others.
my thatch gate has been closed -- but opens now for you.
it's a long way to the market, i can offer you little --
yet here in my cottage there is old wine for our cups.
shall we summon my elderly neighbour to join us,
call him through the fence, and pour the jar dry?
舍南舍北皆春水, 但見群鷗日日來。
花徑不曾緣客掃, 蓬門今始為君開。
盤飧市遠無兼味, 樽酒家貧只舊醅。
肯與鄰翁相對飲, 隔籬呼取盡餘杯。
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