a night thought on terrace tower
wei zhuang
far through the night a harp is sighing
with a sadness of wind and rain in the strings....
there's a solitary lantern, a bugle-call --
and beyond terrace tower down goes the moon.
...fragrant grasses have changed and faded
while still i have been hoping that my old friend would come....
there are no more messengers i can send him,
now that the wildgeese have turned south.
清瑟怨遙夜, 繞弦風雨哀。
孤燈聞楚角, 殘月下章臺。
芳草已雲暮, 故人殊未來。
鄉書不可寄, 秋雁又南迴。
a greeting on the huai river to my old friends from liangchuan
wei yingwu
we used to be companions on the jiang and the han,
and as often as we met, we were likely to be tipsy.
since we left one another, floating apart like clouds,
ten years have run like water-till at last we join again.
and we talk again and laugh again just as in earlier days,
except that the hair on our heads is tinged now with grey.
why not come along, then, all of us together,
and face the autumn mountains and sail along the huai?
江漢曾為客, 相逢每醉還。
浮雲一別後, 流水十年間。
歡笑情如舊, 蕭疏鬢已斑。
何因北歸去? 淮上對秋山。
a farewell in the evening rain to li cao
wei yingwu
is it raining on the river all the way to chu? -- -
the evening bell comes to us from nanjing.
your wet sail drags and is loath to be going
and shadowy birds are flying slow.
we cannot see the deep ocean-gate --
only the boughs at pukou, newly dripping.
likewise, because of our great love,
there are threads of water on our faces.
楚江微雨裡, 建業暮鍾時。
漠漠帆來重, 冥冥鳥去遲。
海門深不見, 浦樹遠含滋。
相送情無限, 沾襟比散絲。
an autumn evening harmonizing cheng qin's poem
han hong
while a cold wind is creeping under my mat,
and the city's naked wall grows pale with the autumn moon,
i see a lone wild-goose crossing the river of stars,
and i hear, on stone in the night, thousands of washing mallets....
but, instead of wishing the season, as it goes,
to bear me also far away,
i have found your poem so beautiful
that i forget the homing birds.
長簟迎風早, 空城澹月華。
星河秋一雁, 砧杵夜千家。
節候看應晚, 心期臥亦賒。
向來吟秀句, 不覺已鳴鴉。
thoughts of old time on the chu river
ma dai
a cold light shines on the gathering dew,
as sunset fades beyond the southern mountains;
trees echo with monkeys on the banks of lake dongting,
where somebody is moving in an orchid-wood boat.
marsh-lands are swollen wide with the moon,
while torrents are bent to the mountains' will;
and the vanished queens of the clouds leave me
sad with autumn all night long.
露氣寒光集, 微陽下楚丘。
猿啼洞庭樹, 人在木蘭舟。
廣澤生明月, 蒼山夾亂流。
雲中君不見, 竟夕自悲秋。
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