a: isn’t dolph lundgren in that cartoon film, he-man?
b: yeah, he plays the master of the universe. but surely no one is really that strong.
a: 那部卡通電影he-man裡有dolph lundgren。
b: 是的,他演宇宙的主宰。不過當然沒有後人真的那麼強壯。
a: serena williams is a tiger around the court.
b: strong, powerful, and able, she’s the most favored tennis player for this season.
a: serena williams可是球場上的虎將。
b: 強壯,有力量,技藝高超——她是這個賽季最為人看好的網球運動員。
a: greg thinks he’s a really tough guy on the football field.
b: so why is he crying like a baby after being tackled? he’s not such a he-man after all.
a: greg認為自己是橄欖球場上的猛將。
b: 那為什麼他被人抱住並摔倒時會哭得跟個孩子似的?他畢竟還不是堂堂男子漢。
a: jimmy is a big man on the wrestling circuit.
b: he’s as hard as nails. everyone knows that. but when he is with his children, he turns into a big, soft teddy bear.
a: jimmy是摔跤聯賽上不可一世的人。
b: 誰都知道他很結實。不過,當他和孩子們在一起的時候,他會變成溫柔的大玩具熊。
a: my father wants me to join the army, but i don’t want to.
b: stand up for yourself, matt, and don’t let him strong-arm you.
a: 我爸想讓我參軍,但我不願意去。
b: matt,你得堅持自己的主見,別讓他強迫你。
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