I had been trying to get my friend Mike-a rock' n roll fan-interested in classical music. When I offered to purchase tickets to a Mozart festival, he willingly agreed to accompany me and seemed to enjoy the symphony.
After the concert, I mentioned how Mozart's music moved me. "At times, I can almost hear his voice in his music and I feel as though he's talking to me," I said.
Mike nodded his head in solemn agreement. "Yes," he said. "I know what you mean."
Feeling very pleased that I had made a "convert", I asked what he felt the music was saying to him.
He replied, "it said 'go to sleep, Michael. Go to sleep.
關於初三英語笑話:Bull Wrestler
A bull wrestler was visiting his friend in a small town, and one night they stayed a little too long at the pub. Not wanting to drive, they decided to walk home. As they were crossing a farmer's field, a bull charged them. The wrestler grabbed the bull by the horns, and they went down in a snarling heap. Finally the bull jumped up and ran away. "Wow," said the friend, "that was quite a tussle. "
"Yeah," the wrestler replied, "and if I hadn't had that last drink, I would have gotten that guy off his bicycle.
The school of agriculture's dean of admissions was interviewing a prospective student. "Why have you chosen this career?" he asked.
"I dream of making a million dollars in farming, like my father," the student replied.
"Your father made a million dollars in farming?" echoed the impressed dean.
"No," replied the applicant. "But he always dreamed of it.
關於初三英語笑話:A Talk on the Phone***電話交談***
I teach computer courses, and my students often call me at home with questions. One morning I was on the phone, explaining in computer language the solution to a problem, while a repairman was fixing my refrigerator. After an endless stream of "C colon, back- slash, greater than, cd, backslash, DOS, 0 colon" and so on, I hung up and found the repairman staring at me. "Lady," he asked, are you a spy?"
關於初三英語笑話:A Bad Impression***壞印象***
My husband and I are both writers. During dinner conversations, we often tell our children about our working days. It wasn't clear how much they absorbed until one day I overheard my seven-year- old, Lucy, cry out in frustration at her five-year-old sister, Charlotte, "You, you... you editor!"
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