There is a controversial issue regarding appropriate time of foreign language teaching for children. Some educational institutions have developed foreign language curriculum aimed elementary school students. Personally, advantages of earlier second-language learning embody on two aspects.
First, children’s capacity to accept emerging things is stronger than teenagers. As known, young children’s self-consciousness have not been formed completely, hence new language learning may not be very difficult for them. In addition, for those teenagers who are capable of using native language proficiently, they usually consider foreign language as a subject instead of a tool,which implies that they become tired of learning foreign languages more easily.
Second, primary timetable is comparably flexible. This greater flexibility can provide more welcomed teaching methods to improve learning efficiency. For example, teachers make lectures fun and easy to understand through songs, conversations and games, these seldom occur in secondary schools’ classrooms. In general, secondary school pay more attention to disciplines and exams, which might not be beneficial to inspire students to learn foreign language.
In conclusion, young children can take advantage of earlier foreign language teaching due to better receptivity and flexible instructional methods, this is also supported by the trends that more experts state the importance of learning a foreign language in primary school.
作者| Lynn
公眾號: 雅思寫作王
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