1. Balance your learning.
Language learning requires two main pieces: exposure – listening and reading, and producing –speaking and writing. We need to make sure to do a good mix of both for the most effective outcome.
2. Be open to correction.
We need an open attitude towards corrective feedback. Don’t get discouraged when your mistakes are pointed out.
3. Don’t compare yourself to a native.
Trying to be exactly like a native speaker is an unrealistic goal. An 18-year-old native English speaker has had approximately 78,000 of language exposure, use, and correction. Languages are hugely expansive and constantly changing, which means even native speakers don’t know everything!
4. Find a language partner.
It can be a person you know in Beijing or someone you find online. The key is that you find someone who is willing to practice with you on a regular basis. A native speaker is ideal, but a group of Chinese friends is also an option.
5. Expand and refine. Ask the question, “how do you say this in English?” frequently. Describe words you don’t know with smaller words that you do know. Pay attention to how others use to talk about ideas you find difficult to express.
6. Talk about subjects you like.
Nothing is worse than saying “let’s practice English” and then sitting in silence because you don’t know what to say. If you’re excited about a certain topic, you’ll talk more. The more you talk, the more mistakes you will make, and the more chances for correction and learning you will have.
7. Stay positive. Laugh about embarrassing mistakes. For foreigners learning Chinese, the four tones are always difficult to learn. I once asked my coworkers about how much the 菲傭 were.Actually I was actually trying to say 費用. I got some funny looks on that one!
在中國,英語也是一門主要的課程,與語文數學並列,是求學者永遠離不開必學的一門課程。而且大學學習中,英語要求必須過四,六級,高考、中考英語所佔的分數也是很高的,考研、考博也離不開英語考試,國際託福,雅思出國留學英語考試更是助你走向國際的重要考試。學生若能具備一種外語的能力,就能幫他開啟進入另一個世界的學習之門,最後達成多元學習與價值的目標。 英語也是現在世界上用的最多的一門語言,許多國家都在學英語和用英語,所以,學好了英語,出門就不怕溝通不方便了。
You become smarter
Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain bychallenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate indifferent language systems. This skill boosts your ability tonegotiate meaning in other problem-solving tasks as well.
Students who study foreign languages tend to score better onstandardised tests than their monolingual peers, particularly inthe categories of maths, reading, and vocabulary.
You build multitasking skills
Multilingual people, especially children, are skilled at switchingbetween two systems of speech, writing, and structure. According toa study from the Pennsylvania State University, this “juggling”skill makes them good multitaskers, because they can easily switchbetween different structures. In one study, participants used adriving simulatorwhile doing separate, distracting tasks atthe same time. The research found that people who spoke more thanone language made fewer errors in their driving.
You stave off Alzheimer’sand dementia
Several studies have been conducted on this topic, and the resultsare consistent. Formonolingual adults, the mean age forthe first signs of dementia is 71.4. For adults whospeak two or more languages, the mean age for those first signs is75.5. Studies considered factors such as education level, incomelevel, gender, and physical health, but the results were consistent.
Your memory improves
Educators often liken the brain to a muscle, becauseit functions better with exercise. Learning a language involvesmemorising rules and vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental“muscle。” This exercise improves overall memory, which means thatmultiple language speakers are better at remembering lists orsequences. Studies show that bilinguals are better at retaining shopping lists, names, and directions.
You become more perceptive
A study from Spain’s University of Pompeu Fabra revealed that multilingual people are better atobserving their surroundings. They aremore adept at focusing on relevant information and editing out the irrelevant. They’re also better atspotting misleading information. Is it any surprise that SherlockHolmes and Hercule Poirot are skilledpolyglots?
Your decision-making skills improve
According to a study from the University of Chicago, bilingualstend to make more rational decisions. Any languagecontains nuance and subtle implications in itsvocabulary, and these biases can subconsciously influence your judgment. Bilinguals are more confident with their choices after thinking it over in the second language and seeing whether their initial conclusions still stand up.
You improve your English
Learning a foreign language draws your focus to the mechanics oflanguage: grammar, conjugations, and sentence structure. This makesyou more aware of language, and the ways it can be structured and manipulated. These skills can make you a more effective communicator and a sharper editor and writer. Language speakersalso develop a better ear for listening, since they’re skilled atdistinguishing meaning from discreet sounds.
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