About to be shipped out on a long tour of duty over-seas,I had called my wife from a coin-operated telephone at an Army camp on the West Coast. As I walked away,the phone rang,and I answered it,expecting to be told of extra charges. "I thought you'd like to know,"the operator said,"that just after you hung up,the woman said,'I love you. "
When we work evenings .we often order take-out food at the office.One night we all gave our orders to Sharon, who wrote the selections on a self-stick note. Unable to find our list when she arrived at the fastfood restaurant, Sharon stepped up to the counter. But before she could speak, the cashier recited the exact order. " How could you possibly know that?"asked Sharon.
"Tt's right there," replied the cashier,"stuck to your chest."
When we decided to sell our house, we nailed "FOR SALE BY OWNER" signs on two trees in our front yard. Before long,the doorbell rang.”How much are you asking for the treesp"a young man asked.
ome friends and I stopped at an ice-cream parlor.where I asked for my favorite,a hot-fudge sundae with chocolate ice cream. But when the waitress brought our orders,I saw that mine had vanilla ice cream. " I ordered chocolate,"I pointed out.
The young woman consulted her order pad and responded,"So you did. I'll take it back and get chocolate."
“Never mind,”I said.”I don't like to see anything wasted."
"Nothing is wasted around here!"she insisted.“We eat our mistakes. "
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