

  1. …as soon as… 一……就……

  Peter一聽到訊息就興奮地喊起來。 As soon as Peter heard it, he cried out excitedly.

  2. as…as 和……一樣 & ***not***as/ so…as ……不如……

  聽磁帶和看英語電影一樣重要。 Listening to tapes is as important as watching English-language movies.

  3. as … as possible 儘可能地……

  當你感冒的時候,你應該喝盡可能多的水。 When you have a cold, you should drink as much water as possible.

  4. ask sb for sth…… 向某人要……

  當你不知道問題的答案時,你可以向你的老師尋求幫助。 When you don‘t know the answer to any questions, you can ask your teacher for help.

  5、ask/tell sb. ***how*** to do sth.請/告訴某人***如何***做……

  Tom的爸爸經常告訴Tom應該如何正確面對問題。 Tom‘s father often tells Tom how to deal with the problems in the correct way.

  6. ask/tell sb. not to do sth. 請/告訴某人不做某事

  我媽媽經常告訴我不要花費太多時間玩電腦遊戲。 My mother often tells me not to spend so much time in playing computer games.

  7. be afraid of doing sth. / that+從句擔心***某事可能產生的後果***

  學生們為考試擔心不足為奇。 It‘s no surprise that students are afraid of having exams.

  8. be afraid to do sth. 害怕去/不敢去做某事

  It is good for your English study to keep speaking English every day.

  早睡早起有利健康。It‘s good for your health to go to bed early and get up early.

  不按時寫英語作業對我們不好。It is bad for us to do English homework on time.