據說如果地球上真有人間仙境,九寨溝***Jiuzhaigou Valley***—定是其中之一。它有夢境般的風景:藍色的湖泊、瀑布、翠綠的森林、白雪皚皚的山脈,還有藏族和羌族人民***the Tibetan and Qiang peoples***的民間習俗。九寨溝不僅僅有壯觀的景色,還是九個藏族村寨的居住地,還有超過220種鳥類以及許多瀕臨滅絕的動植物物種。它在1992年被聯合國教科文組織宣佈為世界文化遺產。九寨溝一年四季的美景使它成為中國最著名的景點之一。
It is said that if there should be wonderlands on the earth, Jiuzhaigou Valley must be one of them. Ithas dreamlike scenery, which combines blue lakes,waterfalls, verdant forests, snow-coveredmountains, and the folk customs of the Tibetan and Qiang peoples. More than just spectacularscenery, Jiuzhaigou Valley is home to nine Tibetan villages, over 220 bird species as well as anumber of endangered plant and animal species. Jiuzhaigou Valley was declared a UNESCO WorldCultural Heritage Site in 1992. It provides spectacular scenery throughout four seasons of theyear, making it one of China's most well-known scenic sites.
1.據說如果地球上真有人間仙境,九寨溝一定是其中之一:該句前半句的“如果…”可判斷出它表示與現在的事實相反,所以要用現在時的虛擬語氣,即should+do的形式。其中“人間仙境”可譯為wonderlands on the earth。
2.九寨溝不僅僅有壯觀的景色,還是九個藏族村寨的居住地,還有超過220種鳥類以及許多瀕臨滅絕的動植物物種:其中“不僅僅有”可譯為more than,是“超過,多於”的意思。“…的居住地”可以理解為“是…的故鄉”,故可用be home to…表示,這是英語中常見的表達方式,如:China is home to the panda.***中國是熊貓的故鄉。***
3.九寨溝一年四季的美景使它成為中國最著名的景點之一:“一年四季的美景”可以翻譯為所有格的形式,但譯為it provides spectacular scenery throughout four seasons of the year,會使譯文增色不少。後半句部分因前半句出現了謂語動詞provide,所以可用making it…來引導後半句,作句子的伴隨狀語。
兵馬俑***the Terracotta Army***由於它的歷史意義和獨特性而成為中國最知名的景點之一。秦始皇於公元前221年統一中國。他下令建造了這個軍隊的模型。兵馬俑意義非常,因為數以百計精美的真人大小的模型代表了當時橫掃中國所有其他軍隊的龐大軍隊。這個軍隊是統一的中國能夠形成的決定性因素。兵馬俑的陶俑***terracottastatues***是用來為秦始皇殉葬的,以彰顯他的榮耀。
The Terracotta Army is one of the most famous attractions in China because of its historicalsignificance and uniqueness.First Emperor of Qin unified China in 221 B.C.He ordered the creationof this model army.It is very significant because hundreds of fine life-size models represent the armythat triumphed over all other Chinese armies at that time.The army was the decisive factor informing a united China.The army of terracotta statues was made to be buried with the FirstEmperor of Qin as a show of his glory.
1.兵馬俑由於它的歷史意義和獨特性而成為中國最知名的景點之一:“由於”後面跟的是片語,因此可譯為because of,如果後面是完整的句子則用because。“最知名的景點”可譯為the most famous attractions。
2.這個軍隊是統一的中國能夠形成的決定性因素:“決定性因素”可譯為decisive factor, decisive意為“決定性的”,與動詞decide為同源詞,factor意為“因素”。“統一的中國”可譯為a united China。
3.兵馬俑的陶俑是用來為秦始皇殉葬的,以彰顯他的榮耀:該句要首先找準主語和謂語;主語是“兵馬俑的陶俑”,可譯為the army of terracotta statues。謂語 “是用來”,可譯為was made to。其他部分則作表語和狀語,“彰顯他的榮耀”可譯為as a show of his glory,“為...殉葬”可譯為be buried with …。
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