A peddler sold earthen basins in the wayside, he chanted as knocked :"Earthen basin is round,beautiful and solid, judging by the sound, they are all good." At the time of his knocking, thatearthen basin was broken into pieces with a crack***爆裂聲*** . Lookers-on burst into the roarsof laughter. He threw the fragments***碎片,殘片*** without extra trouble into paddy***稻穀,稻田*** field, but an experienced peasant from the crowd did not let him off***放過,不懲罰***easily:" How the deuce ***強式特指問句*** can you throw them into my field? They’ll impede mygrowing crops!" The peddler who sold earthen basins tried to explain it away promptly:"Nothing, the fragments will be converted into powder as soon as they absorbed water ."[qh]
一個小販在路邊賣瓦盆,他一邊敲一邊唱:“瓦盆圓又圓,結實又好看,光聽這聲音,就知不一般。”敲著敲著,“啪啦”一聲,把盆敲爛了。圍觀的人一陣鬨笑。他順手把碎片扔進了稻田裡,誰知人群中一個老農不幹了:“你怎麼能往我地裡扔?這不影響我種田嗎?” 賣瓦盆的小販連忙辯解:“不要緊,瓦片見水一會兒就粉了。”
Wang-Ning, News network host hastened home by motorcycle after work., his girlfriend Liu-Chunyan sat behind him on the pillion, who was dainty and cute children program hostess. Adevoted audience recognized him suddenly, saying "hello" passionately:" Hi, you pick up yourchild back?"
A policeman escorted a habitual criminal passing by a mountain village. Seeing containsundries store at village end, the recidivist put forward to buy a of pack cigarette. Thepoliceman pondered seized the chance to escape last time like so. Hum, Cut it out.Therefore he said to the prisoner:" You wait here, I go to buy." While coming back, he foundthe repeater missing still.
A youngster asks a girl who comes to the date:" Is this your date with the young man for thefirst time? "" Too bloody right. Gee, how are you men all always asking this question?"
A lorry driver makes inquiry of a mountaineer :" Excuse me, where can I buy the autoaccessories in the neighborhood ?" Mountaineer says:" Some people usually drive heroic car onthe road .There is a abrupt turn ahead not far from here, and a clough just below it, where youcan find all kinds of the auto accessories . You will spend no money at all."
一個卡車司機向一山民打聽:“請問,這附近哪兒能買到汽車配件?” 山民說:“這條路上經常有人開英雄車,前面不遠處是個急轉彎,急轉彎的下面就是深谷,那深谷裡什麼樣的汽車配件都有——根本用不著花錢。”
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