


   like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.


  . I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.


   products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking.


   think we will be asking for more?


   not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.


   seems to be a little high. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers.


  Peter:We said we want 10000pcs over a three-month period. What if we plan orders for a year, with a guarantee?


  Smith:If you can guarantee that on paper,I think we can discuss this further.



  1.I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.

  "get the ball rolling"就是"開始做某事"的意思,"to make something start happening".也可以說是"set/start the ball rolling",意思不變.

  I'll start the ball rolling by introducing the first speaker. 我來介紹一下第一位講演者作為開始.

  I'd like to get/start the ball rolling by doing sth是一句談話,談判時很好的開場白.


  You want to tell me something? OK, shoot! 你有話要告訴我?那好,說吧!

  3.That's not exactly what I had in mind.

  Have***got*** sth in mind:打算做某事,有心做某事

  What do you have in mind for dinner tonight? 你晚上想吃什麼?

  How long have you had this in mind? 你想這件事多久了?

  大家要注意了,have sth in mind單純地指想或者計劃某事,不帶感情色彩,而 have sth on sb's mind意思就大不一樣了.

  Don't bother your father tonight─he's got a lot on his mind. 今晚就別打擾你父親了--他的煩心事兒已經夠多了.

  4.What if we plan orders for a year, with a guarantee?

  Order: 訂貨;訂購;訂單


  Place an order for sth:訂購某物

  I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book. 這本書我想訂購十冊.

  Can be made to order:可以定做

  These items can be made to order***= produced especially for a particular customer*** 這幾項可以訂做.

  5.If you can guarantee that on paper,I think we can discuss this further.

  On paper: when you put something on paper, you write it down 寫下來;筆錄

  On paper還有一個意思,就是"僅照字面看;理論上", judged from written information only, but not proved in practice.

  例如,The idea looks good on paper. 僅就字面看,這個主意不錯.


  This is a quality product.


  Those overcoats are of good quality and nice colour.


  Our quartz technique is well known in the world, and we believe our watches are of fine quality.


  Our price is a little bit higher, but the quality of our products is better.


  Your goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers.


  The equipment are of good quality and very useful.


  Our products are very good in quality, and the price is low.


  We have received the goods you send us, the quality is excellent.


  We are responsible to replace the defective ones.


  It's really something wrong with the quality of this consignment of bicycles.


  I regret this quality problem.


  We hope that you'll pay more attention to the quality of your goods in the future.


  The workings of these machines are inaccurate.


  Upon arrival, we found the shipment of wool was of poor quality.


  The quality of the fertilizer is inferior to that stipulated in the contract.


  The quality of this article cannot qualify for first-class.


  If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory,we're prepared to accept return of the rejected material within a week.


  More than 300 watches are not up to standard.


  bad quality 劣質

  low quality 低質量

  inferior quality 次質量

  to be responsible for 對...負責

  inaccurate 不精確的

  poor quality 質量較差

  to be inferior to 次於...

  first-class 一等品

  unsatisfactory 不滿意的

  good quality 好質量

  fine quality 優質

  better quality 較好質量

  high quality 高質量

  fair quality 尚好的質量

  sound quality 完好的質量

  best quality 最好的質量

  superior quality 優等的質量

  choice quality或selected quality 精選的質量

  prime quality 或 tip-top quality 第一流的質量

  first-class quality 或 first-rate quality 頭等的質量

  above the average quality 一般水平以上的質量

  below the average quality 一般水平以下的質量