1. 有人贊成電視選秀節目
2. 有人則反對
3. 我的觀點
【範文1】Over the past couple of years, a variety of talent shows have emerged on TV channel across our nation, from Happy Girls to Super Boys and so forth. This type of entertainment programs is intensely popular, especially among youngsters. It has produces profound impacts on their studies and life. They believe that the TV talent show can change their fate. At least, they say, the program offers the opportunity to show and develop one’s talents.
On the contrary, a number of people hold negative attitude to TV talent shows. They maintain that The TV talent show today is like a fiver that has risen to its flood level. It misleads the youth and makes them believe that they can make a fortune or become famous overnight. As a result, a great many students can’t calm down to study during the show’s season.
For my part, I believe that the TV talent show is like a double-edged sword and it is important for us to face it properly. For one thing, the TV studios are supposed to offer more stimulating and favorable shows. For another, the media ought to give people proper guidance and refrain from exaggerating the effects of the show.
Recently, there is a public discussion about TV talent show. ,because many TV stations have all kinds of TV talent shows, such as Super Boy, Dream of China and so on. TV talent show makes a profound influence on our day-to-day life.
Undoubtedly speaking, different people hold different attitudes toward TV talent show. On the one hand, a lot of people seem to think that TV talent show should be supported. The reason why they support it that it gives many people an opportunity to show their talent. And they will become famous for it in sometimes. On the other hand, others believe that TV talent show should be canceled, because many people insist that TV talent show is a speculation. It gives people a false impression that very person will be famous if they attend these shows. In addition, many young people idolize their idols.
From my perspective, we should pay more attention to the advantage of TV talent show. Meanwhile, we might take some measures to avoid some negative effects of TV talent show.
1. 現在很多人業餘時間喜歡“宅”在家裡
2. 人們對這種做法有不同的看法
3. 我的看法
Nowadays a growing number of people, especially the 20s or 30s, tend to stay indoors for most of their spare time, especially during holidays. Some spend the majority of their time online chatting, blogging, shopping, dating or playing computer games. Some sit with their eyes glued to the television screen, day and night.
People’s opinions vary when it comes to this ways of killing time. A great number of people maintain that staying indoors is cheaper, comfortable, and most importantly, very safe. Others, however, frown upon staying indoors for too long. They are worried that lack of physical exercise and face-to-face communication with others will do harm to people’s body and mind.
Personally, I don’t think staying indoors for most of the day should be advocated. Instead, people in all ages, with their physical conditions permitting, should be encouraged to spend more time outdoors. The fresh air, the brilliant sunshine, the pleasant green space, the interactions with other people, etc. are all good for people’s health, both physically and psychologically.
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