Known as China’s national opera, Peking Opera originated in the late 18th century from the basis of some local operas in Anhui and Hubei Provinces. Peking Opera is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It has won great popularity not only in China but also throughout the world. Peking Opera is a harmonious combination of many art forms. It is a synthesis of traditional music, dancing, poetry, acrobatics and martial arts. It is famous for its exquisite costumes, beautiful make-up or painted face, and established performing conventions and rules. Each of patterns and brilliant colors on the painted face has a symbolic meaning: red suggests loyalty; blue suggests cruelty; black suggests honesty.
解析:京劇 Peking Opera
國粹 national opera
有代表性的 representative
完美融合 harmonious combination
雜耍 acrobatics
武術 martial arts
華麗的戲服 exquisite costume
臉譜 make-up or painted face
象徵的 symbolic
忠誠 loyalty
殘暴 cruelty
正直 honesty
《孫子兵法》***The Art of War***又稱《孫子》***Sun Tzu***, 是中國古代著名的兵書, 也是世界上現存最早的兵書。其作者孫武對當時各國的戰爭進行思考並總結戰爭的規律。孫武強調戰爭中要對敵我雙方的情況調查清楚,提出了“知彼知己,百戰不殆”、“攻其無備,出其不意”等思想。《孫子兵法》已被譯為英、法、日、德等多種文字。雖然這本書講的是戰爭規律,但對其他行業也有啟示意義,因此在世界上享有很高的聲譽。
The Art of Warby Sun Tzu,also called Sun Tzu,is a famous book on the art of War in ancient China, and is the earliest book on the art of war preserved now world as well. After pondering on wars between countries, the author Suu Wu summed up the law of war.Sun Wu emphasized the investigation of situation on both sides in war and he put forward ideas like “Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat” and “Attack him where he is unprepared, and act where he is unexpected.”The Art of War has been translated into many languages,including English,French, Japanese and German. Although the book is on the law of warit can enlighten us on other fields,which earns it a good reputation in the world.
當今社會,客來敬茶已經成為人們日常社交和家庭生活中普遍的往來禮儀。俗話說:酒滿茶半。上茶時應以右手端茶,從客人的右方奉上,並時帶微笑。當然,喝茶的客人也要以禮還禮,雙手接過,點頭致謝。品茶時,講究小口品飲,其妙趣在於意會而不可言傳。另外,可適當稱讚主人茶好。總之,敬茶是國人禮儀中待客的一種日常禮節,也是社會交往的一項內容,不僅是對客人、朋友的尊重, 也能體現自己的修養***self-cultivation***。
Nowadays, offering tea to guests has becomecommon etiquette in daily social interaction andfamily life. As the saying goes, white spirit, full cup;tea, half cup. Tea cup should be held on the righthand and offered to guests with a smile from theirright side. Of course,the guests should pay respect as well, taking over the cup with bothhands and nodding to express his thanks. When tasting tea,you should drink it in small sips,the beauty and fun of which is beyond words. In addition, you could praise the tea of theowner appropriately. In short, offering tea is a daily ritual of Chinese people when receivingguests and it is also part of social interaction. It can not only show respect to guests andfriends, but also reflect your self-cultivation.
1.敬茶:可以理解為“獻茶”,故譯為offer tea。
2.俗話說:可譯為as the saying goes,固定譯法。
3.酒滿茶半:可譯為white spirit,full cup;tea,halfcup。在中國的餐桌文化裡,酒要倒滿,而茶要倒半杯。
4.以禮還禮:可譯為pay respect as well。
5.講究小口品飲:即drink it in small sips。其中,sip作名詞,意為“小口喝”;也可以作動詞,例如Mike sipped hisdrink quickly.***邁克快速地喝了 一小口飲料。*** 片語take a sip表示“喝一小口,抿一口。”
6.日常禮節:可譯為daily ritual。
7.對客人、朋友的尊重:可譯為動詞片語,即show respect to guests and friends。
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