

  2010年,微電影***micro film***《老男孩》***Old Boy***被貼在一個視訊網站並大受歡迎。從此,微電影開始盛行。微電影的長度從3分鐘到半小時不等。成本低廉,拍攝過程簡單,這使得很多草根藝人***grassroots artist*** 得以有機會來拍攝。人們喜歡線上觀看電視節目的偏好也為微電影的發展提供了絕佳的機會。在這個快節奏的社會裡,微電影正好可以解決人們沒有太多時間來娛樂的問題。

  1.第3句“微電影的長度從3分鐘到半小時不等”可直譯為加length of micro film can last...,這樣表達更簡潔、更地道。“***時間上的***不等”可以用短語 anywhere between 來表達。

  2.第4句的成本低廉,拍攝過程簡單可以譯為low costcoupled with easy shooting procedure,側重於強調成本低的事實。“這使得很多草根藝人得以有機會來拍攝”可套用句型give sb. an opportunity to do sth.來表達,謂語give要與主語low cost保持主謂一致,用單數形式。

  3.preference for…為固定搭配,意為“偏好……”。倒數第2句的定語“人們喜歡線上觀看電視節目的”即為偏好的具體內容,故可套用這個短語,表達為preference for watching TV programs online,此處可以根據上下文省譯“人們”。“微電影的發展”中的“發展”一詞也可省譯。

  4.最後一句的定語“人們沒有太多時間來娛樂的”可直譯為定語從句thatpeople don't have so much timefor entertainment,但不如用介詞短語 of lack of entertainment time 來得簡單。


  In 2010, a micro film named Old Boy was posted on a video site and became very popular. From then on, micro films began to flourish. A micro film can last anywhere between three minutes to half an hour. Low cost coupled with easy. shooting procedure gives many grassroots artists oppoilmuties to make micro films. The preference for watching TV programs online offers a perfect opportunity for micro films. In this fast-paced society, micro films can tackle the problem of lack of entertainment time.





  春節是中國最重要的節日。觀看春節聯歡晚會***the SpringFestival Gala***是中國人慶祝春節的一個重要組成部分。這個一年一度的晚會由中央電視臺***CCTV***直播。從除夕之夜晚上8點開始,持續約4個小時。晚會節目豐富多彩,以音樂、舞蹈、喜劇和戲劇表演為主。觀眾在觀看節目的同時還可以通過電話、簡訊和網際網路為 自己喜愛的節目投票。評選結果會在15天之後的元宵節晚會***Lantern Festival Gala***上公佈。

  1.在第2句中,主語“觀看春節聯歡晚會”可用動名詞短語來表達,譯作Watching the spring Festival Gala. 定語“中國人慶祝春節的”較長,可將其處理成後置定語,用for sb. to do sth的形式***即for Chinese people to celebrate the festival***來表達。

  2.在第3句中,“由......直播”表示主語“晚會”是受動者,故用被動語態,表達為is broadcast live by...,live在此處是副詞,“從除夕之夜晚上8點開始,持續約4個小時”修飾的是“晚會”,因其較長,可處理為非限制性定語從句,譯作 which begins at 8:00... and lasts for...。

  3.第4句“晚會節目……,以……為主”由兩個分句構成,翻譯時可把第1個分句處理成主幹,第2個分句處理成狀語,用分詞短語來表達;“以……為主”可用動詞feature來表達。故整句譯為It produces...,featuring songs...。

  4.在翻譯倒數第2句時,要先譯出其主要結構***The audience can vote on their favorite programs of the Gala***。方式狀語“通過電話、簡訊和網路”可譯作by phone, by text message or through the Internet。 而時間狀語“在觀看節目的同時”則可表達為while enjoying the Gala,置於句末。


  The Spring Festival is the most important holiday inChina. Watching the Spring Festival Gala is animportant part for Chinese people to celebrate thefestival. This annual Gala is broadcast live on CCTV,which begins at 8:00 p.m. on the Chinese New Year'sEve and lasts for about 4 hours. It produces colorfulprograms, featuring songs, dances, comedies anddrama performances. The audience can vote on their favorite programs of the Gala by phone,by text message or through the Internet while enjoying the Gala. The results of the vote areannounced 15 days later in the Lantern Festival Gala.