Happy winter vacation life began, because my grades is good in the final exam, so dad reward I travel, so we took the trip destination is the sea! I truly appreciate a view of the sea.
This is the new moon river area and scenery. We went on board tateishi the top of the hill, from afar, looking eastward across the sea, the boundless vision, panoramic view of grand sight of the sea.
In the vast sea, the first thing you see is the abrupt stands mountain island, makes the sea look amazing spectacular. Stood on the shore of islets fluctuation is strewn at random, although had to shake down the season of autumn, vegetation, but islets on the trees, grass bouquet thon, overgrown grass swaying in the autumn wind. Beach look, the sea in the autumn wind is Gavin and billows, waving. The vast sea and sky, empty the muddy melts. In front of the spectacular sea, sun, moon, stars, the Milky Way are insignificant.
Moon and run, like a departure from the vast ocean. The Milky Way of stars, as if produced from the vast ocean. They run, seems to be handled by freedom of the sea. The bleak autumn wind waves surging waves on the island, how much noisy sea vastness. It is really very lucky, we praise and to express their feelings with singing.
In this winter vacation, also is my last holiday in elementary school, the adults in order to avoid the noise of the city, to enjoy the quiet place, she took me to visit the phoenix town near the dinghu mountain. Dinghu mountain is mainly divided into two big scenic spot: it is the main peak to the big tripod and QingYunSi; From the phoenix town in jiulong lake area of the rainforest near valleys.
In the tour let me feel the deepest is the second day to cattle to column grain rain forest adventure, there is: single, double wire suspension on the surface of the water, 1 m more than two meters from the surface is so high, and each article at least more than five meters, more than ten meters long, long, let feet is only a rope of a long narrow table mm wide. Especially those of single wire rope, although there is no double wire so long, but because of the two wire is aligned vertically from top to bottom, so to climb back up or down, looks very dangerous, and the following is not straight, stand up and make you more fearful.
Put the winter vacation, my in the mind very happy. Because mom to send me to my grandma's home, can learn together, and brother play together. Early one morning, my brother told me to get up, let me sweep the yard together with him, I hurriedly dressed, combine to the yard with my brother. The yard was very quiet, only a few branches sparrows chirping. I play with the birds, while sweeping the ground, in a short while, sweep in front of, I said to my brother: "I'm not swept, such a large courtyard I will exhaust!" Brother said to me: "the persistence is victory!" Can I say: "I don't swept, I still have many homework not finish!" I grimaced, just at that moment, my uncle came, urged encouragement, the uncle, brother, I had to sweep up the yard. Because of this, the neighbors will boast a meet me, my heart is glad and ashamed.
School to school, I want to go back to school. In this winter vacation I learned to do everything to uphold, stead fast. This winter holiday is very meaningful.
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