The Shepherd and the Bureaucrat
A bureaucrat was hiking when he came upon a shepherd tending a large flock. Thebureaucrat took a fancy to the sheep and asked the shepherd, "If I can guess how many thereare, may I have one?" The shepherd thought it unlikely the man would guess the exactnumber, so he agreed.
The bureaucrat guessed, "You have 287 sheep." The shepherd was astonished, since thiswas exactly right.
"Can I pick out my sheep now?" asked the bureaucrat. The shepherd grudgingly gave hispermission. Selecting one, the bureaucrat slung it over his shoulders to carry home.
The shepherd got an idea." If I guess your occupation'," he said, "may I have my sheepback?" The bureaucrat was surprised, but figured there was little chance of the shepherdguessing correctly, so he went along. "You're a bureaucrat, "announced the shepherd.Amazed, the bureaucrat asked.
"How did you know?"
The shepherd replied, "Put the dog down and we'll talk about it.
Although I had never met him, I knew that my grandfather had been five feet, six inches tall,while my stately grandmother stood five feet, eleven inches. As a teen-ager leafing through oldphotographs with Grandma, I finally realized how unusual they must have looked together.
"Grandma, " I asked, "how could you have fallen in love with a man five inches shorter thanyou?"
She turned to me. "Honey," she said, "we fell in love sitting down, and when I stood up, itwas too late."
Once upon a time, there was a man who always forgot things. One day, he went out with hislittle son. He was so happy that he put the son ride his neck.
After a time, he suddenly thought of his son, he asked people: "Have you seen my child?"
One of his villagers laughed and said: "Don't you know he is on your neck?"
Hearing this, the man took down his son from his neck, he was so angry that he hit the sonon the face, then shouted: "I have told you not to go here and there. Where did you go justnow?"
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