I got an engagement ring for Christmas. My boyfriend and I had been dating for almost a yearand both felt the time was right to join our lives together in holy matrimony.
The month of January was spent planning our perfect Alabama June wedding. My mother, twosisters and I went to Huntsville, the closest town with a selection of bridal shops, to buy thegown that would play the leading role on my special occasion.
We had a wonderful time just being together and sharing silly jokes, but the day soon turnedserious by afternoon: still no sign of the dress of my dreams. Both sisters were ready to giveup and try another day in another town, but I coerced them into one more boutique.
I had a good feeling as we entered the quaint little shop filled with the scent of fresh flowers.The elderly clerk showed us several beautiful gowns in my size and price range, but none wereright. As I opened the door to leave, the desperate shop owner announced she had one moredress in the back that was expensive and not even my size, but perhaps I might want to look atit anyway. When she brought it out, I squealed in delight.
This was it!
I rushed to the dressing room and slipped it on. Even though it was at least two sizes too largeand more costly than I had anticipated, I talked Mom into buying it. The shop was so small itdidn't offer alterations, but my excitement assured me I would be able to get it resized in myhometown.
Excitement wasn't enough. On Monday morning, my world crumbled when the local sewing shopinformed me the dress simply could not be altered because of numerous hand-sewn pearlsand sequins on the bodice. I called the boutique for suggestions but only got their answeringmachine.
A friend gave me the number of a lady across town who worked at home doing alterations. Iwas desperate and willing to try anything, so I decided to give her a call.
When I arrived at her modest white house on the outskirts of town, she carefully inspected mydress and asked me to try it on. She put a handful of pins into the shoulders and sides of mygown and told me to pick it up in two days. She was the answer to my prayers.
When the time came to pick it up, however, I grew skeptical. How could I have been so foolishas to just leave a $1,200 wedding dress in the hands of someone I barely knew? What if shemade a mess out of it? I had no idea if she could even sew on a button.
Thank goodness my fears were all for naught. The dress still looked exactly the same, but itnow fit as if it had been made especially for me. I thanked the cheerful lady and paid hermodest fee.
One small problem solved just in time for a bigger one to emerge. On Valentine's Day, myfiance called.
"Sandy, I've come to the decision that I'm not ready to get married," he announced, none toogently. "I want to travel and experience life for a few years before settling down."
He apologized for the inconvenience of leaving all the wedding cancellations to me and thenquickly left town.
My world turned upside down. I was angry and heartbroken and had no idea how to recover.But days flew into weeks and weeks blended into months. I survived.
One day in the fall of the same year, while standing in line at the supermarket, I heard someonecalling my name. I turned around to see the alterations lady. She politely inquired about mywedding, and was shocked to discover it had been called off, but agreed it was probably for thebest.
I thanked her again for adjusting my wedding gown, and assured her it was safely bagged andawaiting the day I would wear it down the aisle on the arm of my real "Mister Right". With asparkle in her eye, she began telling me about her single son, Tim. Even though I wasn'tinterested in dating again, I let her talk me into meeting him.
I did have my summer wedding after all, only a year later. And I did get to wear the dress of mydreams - standing beside Tim, the man I have shared the last eighteen years of my life with,whom I would never have met without that special wedding gown.
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