My 16-year-old son, Jeff, is a boy any parent would be proud of --until you see the floor of hisroom, covered with layers of clothes, magazines and sports equipment.
Recently I accompanied Jeff to the credit union where he opened up his first bank account.While the credit officer was processing the paper work, I told Jeff he needed a safe, accessibleplace to store his passbook. "I know, Mom," he replied. "I' 11 keep it on my floor. "
A woman answered her front door and found two boys holding a list. "Lady," one of themexplained, "we are on a treasure hunt, and we need three grains of wheat, a pork-chop boneand a piece of used carbon paper to earn a dollar. "
"Wow," the woman replied, "who sent you on such a challenging hunt?" "Our baby-sitter'sboyfriend. "
“哦,”那位婦女回答道:“誰讓你們作這樣富有挑戰性的搜尋的?” 男孩們回答道 “是我們保姆的男朋友。”
A young man was in love with a girl. At one weekend, he invited his girlfriend to the cinema.When they were at the ticket box, the young man said to the ticket seller, "Two tickets, please. "When the ticket seller told him that all the tickets had sold out, the disappointed young mansaid, "Then do you have any sur- tickets that can allow us to stand together?"
一個小夥子愛上了一位姑娘。週末,他請她看電影。來到售票處,小夥子對售票員說:“請給兩張票。” 售票員告訴他所有的票都賣完了。失望的年輕人說:“那麼,您有兩張可以讓我們站在一起的附加票嗎?
A lawyer's dog, running about unleashed, beelines for a butcher shop and steals a roast.Butcher goes to lawyer's office and asks, "If a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meatfrom my store, do I have a right to demand payment for the meat from the dog's owner?" Thelawyer answers, "Absolutely." "Then you owe me $8.50. Your dog was loose and stole a roastfrom me today." The lawyer, without a word, writes the butcher a check for $8.50. Severaldays later, the butcher opens the mail and finds an envelope from the lawyer: $250 due for aconsultation.
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