[en]In the Warring State Period ***戰國*** , there was a girl in the State of Qi called Han E ***韓娥*** who sang beautifully.
Once when she was passing through the State of Qi she had to sing to earn money to buy food.
When she left Qi the echoes of her songs clung to the beams of the houses there for three days before people realized that she had left.
This idiom is used to describe unforgettably beautifull singing.
:a false alarm
In Jin Dynasty there was a man named Yue Guang who was fond of drinking alcohol.
One day, he invited a friend to his house to drink together.
Suddenly, his friend saw the reflection of a snack swimming in the goblet.
He got so much frightened that he took ill on bed after getting home.
And neither any doctor or any medicine could cure his illness.
Yue Guang came to see him and asked about the cause of his disease.
When he got to know the cause, he pulled his friend from the bed immediately and took him to his house.
Yue Guang made his friend sit where he used to, pouring a goblet of alcohol for him, and asked him," Is there any snake reflection in the goblet?"
There was still a "snake reflection" in the goblet! Yue casually took away the bow hanging on the wall.
This time, the "snake reflection" disappeared.
"So it was the bow reflection that was in the goblet!" His friend at once got well from his illness.
During the Han dynasty ***漢朝, 206BC—220AD***, there was a man whose name was Yi Zong ***義縱***. Because of the special kindness of the mother of the emperor, Yi Zong was made amagistrate in one county.
After taking up the official post ,he did very well in managing the official business. He wascourageous and resolute in handling cases, and punished according to law anybody whoviolated the law, no matter whether he was a despotic gentleman who was rich and powerful or was one of the common people.
上任以後,公務辦得很出色,案子處理上敢作敢為,不論是有錢有勢的豪紳,還是平民, 只要犯了法,義縱秉公審辦。
When Yi Zong was transferred to be the prefect of the Nanyang Prefecture ***南陽郡***, Ning Cheng ***寧成***, a despotic landlord who stopped at nothing in doing evil, was living there,in order to ingratiate himself with Yi Zong, Ning Cheng pretended to be very modest andcourteous every time he met Yi Zong and saw him off.
But Yi Zong had heard of the evil conducts of Ning Cheng already and, soon after he took office in Nanyang,he made investigations. It did not take much time for him to find out Ning cheng's crimes and had him put in prison.
Later, Emperor Wu Di ***漢武帝*** of the Han Dynasty appointed Yi Zong the prefect of the Dingxiang Prefecture ***定襄***.
At that time, the public order in Dingxiang was very chaotic. When he took office there, there were 200 convicts in prison who had committed felonies had no implements of punishment on them.There were also more than 200 persons who offered bribes in order to absolve those serious offenders from guilt.Yi Zong treated the matter severely. He arrested all those bribers and punished the bribers and those serious offenders already in prison severely. More than 400 convicts were executed in a day.
From that day on, whenever the name of Yi Zong was mentioned,people in Dingxiang would tremble with fear --they would shiver all over though not cold.
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