高中英語笑話短文:Boondock Baby
A country doctor went way out to the boondocks to deliver a baby.
It was so far out, there was no electricity. When the doctor arrived, no one was home except for the laboring mother and her 5-year-old child. The doctor instructed the child to hold a lantern high so he could see, while he helped the woman deliver the baby.
The child did so, the mother pushed and after a little while, the doctor lifted the newborn baby by the feet and spanked him on the bottom to get him to take his first breath.
The doctor then asked the 5-year-old what he thought of the baby.
"Hit him again," the 5-year-old said. "He shouldn't have crawled up there in the first place!"
高中英語笑話短文:Where am I from?
"Daddy, where did I come from?" the seven-year-old asked.
It was a moment for which her parents had carefully prepared.
They took her into the living room, got out the encyclopedia and several other books, and explained all they thought she should know about sexual attraction, affection, love, marriage, and reproduction.
Then they both sat back and smiled contentedly.
"Does that answer your question?" her father asked.
"Not really," the little girl said. "Marcia said she came from Detroit. I want to know where I came from."
高中英語笑話短文:Dirty Name
A new primary school teacher starts her first day of class. She begins by asking students to stand and introduce themselves
The first child stands and says, "My name is Mary Johnson."
"Thank you, Mary", says the teacher.
The second student says, "My name is Sam Smith."
"Thank you, Sam."
The third student says, "My name is Johnny Fuckhour."
The teacher is horrified, and tells Johnny that this type of language will not be allowed. He replies, "Honest, my name is Johnny Fuckhour. If you don't believe me, check up in the fifth grade where my brother is."
So the teacher walks up to the fifth grade class, and asks, "Do you have a Fuckhour in here?"
One boy stands in the back of the room and says, "Hell, no! We don't even get a nap hour in here!"
高中英語笑話短文:Bedtime Prayers
Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God," she said, "Make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy."
Her mother interrupted and said, "Julie, why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?"
And Julie replied, "Because that’s what I put in my geography exam!"
高中英語笑話短文:Like a Peanut
Cute little 5-year old Tiffeny comes home from kindergarten and says to her mother:
"Momy, Tomi's penis is like a peanut".
Her mother, a little surprised, asks:
"why? is it because it's so small, darling?".
"No,", answers Tiffeny, "because it's so salty"...
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