As the mother of three small children born two years apart, I'm often very tired in the evening. Their father and I have set strict rules that after stories,prayers, one drink and the bathroom scene,they must go to bed and stay there.
One night,after a particularly trying day,all three were finally tucked in and I headed to the kitchen for some cookies,milk and solitude. I had just started to relax when I was surrounded by three little people,standing there watching me eat. Turning to their father I asked,"Do we relent or stick with the rules?"
Our three-year-old piped up,”Stick with the rules,Mom. "
Knowing she didn't really want to be sent back to bed,I asked,"And what are the rules,Mellisa?"
"Share with one another,"she replied.
A few months after Tom and I were married一during World War II, he was shipped off to Pearl Harbor. In one of his first letters,he wrote,"I'm going to have a Navy battle-ship tattooed on my chest.”
Instead of pleading, I answered simply,“Send me a pitcture of your tattoo,and I'll have a duplicate put on my chest. "
We have been married for 51 years. Neither of us has a tattoo.
When my daughter had her first child,her husband,Chen Xi,was serving in the army in a remote mountain area. One day,Chen Xi's superior called him into his tent and ordered him to do 50 push-ups. After he completed,Chen Xi asked him what he had done wrong.“I don't have any cigarettes and sweets,"the officer said. "You just had a son!"
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