Christmas has day by day, a moment came to our side. I've happily in a week before Christmas may not be able to.
Christmas was coming, and into the school heard shouts a 'merry Christmas' on campus. Of course is also very busy in our class. WoMeng class of a few boys also have me, a man took a bottle of snow, ribbon, spray there. At that time, noisy in the classroom, some with a Santa Claus hat, some with snowflakes, ribbons and spray, some girl child in the classroom on the blackboard drew some beautiful pattern, some write "merry Christmas from all your students. On campus, in the classroom, the playground, sea. Environmental health are dirty very quickly, of course, the clean area of our class a few girls stood on guard, but some boys with snow, ribbon to the spray cleaning zone of our class. Happy time always that no fast, soon a class when the bell rang, the students have to go back to the class. In our class students sit up waiting for the arrival of the teacher, the teacher came in the monitor of our class shouted "stand up" we as well-trained troops stood up shouted 'merry Christmas from all your students. The teacher to see the words on the blackboard again, all quick was moved to tears.
Christmas is the day when Jesus was born, it is people in order to commemorate him and decide this day for Christmas. Actually there are two reasons that Christmas, let me explain this a second reason for everybody.
Around the first century AD on December 25th in the morning, there was a UFO, which is what we call a UFO flying saucers, suddenly landed with Palestine in the Middle East. People all around curiously. At this time, from the UFO out of a good man. He looks kind, with a blunt English said: "I was an angel sent to Mars, my name is sundae, I hope to have friendly relations and the earth." The self-proclaimed "sundae" martians also brought some gifts to the Palestinian people. But at that time the feudal thought, and they don't believe that the universe and the martians, thought only life in the universe with the earth.
"Sundae" very sad, he just want to take a flying saucer back to Mars, suddenly see Pluto villain to robbed on the earth. He hurriedly ferociously for her, though he knew that in their own strength is the enemy but the big bad Wolf, but to people on earth, he rushed up.
Everyone is as a result, two people mutually assured destruction. Later generations to commemorate the great hero and was born great man Jesus, to this day as the "Christmas".
Jesus was nailed on the "cross" and "sundae" tragic story moved by the generations, also illustrates a truth: people who are dedicated for the human, he will live forever in the heart of people.
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