Is that Jesus was born; One day, the angel gabriel god sent, came to samaria, and said to her, "Mary, you don't be afraid, you found grace before god, you will conceive and bear a son, and called his name Jesus. He will become a unique character, known as the son of god, inherit the throne of David and his kingship and there is no end." Maria don't understand of ask: "I am engaged to Joseph, and the house of David, but he have not marry me, how can I be able to have children?" The angel answered and said, "god is omnipotent. Your relative Elizabeth has been old, but still let she conceived a god." Maria so no doubt, she said: "I am your female servant of god, the original obey god's arrangement." The angel gabriel convey the will of god, and left.
Today is December 25, is the foreign Christmas, our school also held a Christmas "carnival". Because are peace I excited all night last night, even dreaming about Christmas, the result didn't sleep well all night, spirit is very poor. Can think of today is Christmas, don't be late. I envisioned4 the picture of earthquake is coming quickly flee for life! I immediately jumped up, wash clothes. Soon, I then went downstairs. Mom and dad is coming soon. We drove the car barreling down on the road.
Very not easy cook at noon, after dinner, we are anxiously waiting for the start of the activity. Wow, only five minutes left, we said, "ms shen also too slow!" But speak of the devil, the devil. Ms shen came up with a smile, announced the activity began. We like the bees flew out. I and several friends formed a group, I propose to practice vision chopsticks "ring," it is simple. The idea at once approved. Come to room 404, let's take five laps, throw to the rod. To begin with, I was very nervous, but then slowly calmed down, also had the experience. One by one into the, got a full mark, I was ecstatic. But my friends only 1 points, 3 or 4 points, and no one fraction is higher than me I am very proud. Then we went to "you say I do." I came to a crowded team, see in front of the students have done, I burst out laughing. But it was my turn, the teacher said "laughter," I don't cry, smile with hee hee. Who call me is notoriously in the class "comic." "Ah!" Didn't get the last point, fuck off! Then I went to the "palm to guess the word", "clever ikkyu"... A total of 18 points, performance is good.
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