"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells," we are singing for Christmas. Night, decorated with colored lights around the streets of conifers, some snow flied in the sky. When parents are busy cooking, the children came to play outside. A snowman, snowball fights, what there is. You smiled, he laughed. It's a night is so busy.
The adults call their children to have a meal, the children come home this just unwilling. On that big table, place a delicious Turkey, the family sit down, chatting, laughing. When the bell rang, the children back to the room, to pick up a sock, on the bed, waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. The children how to also can not sleep, watching the sky out of the window and the bright moon, seem to see the: Santa was sitting deer car, with a large bundle of presents flew down from the sky, and then from the chimney to each child's room, stuffed into the sock gift. Adults in their sleep, secretly put what they want in a sock, but children believe that Santa Claus really exist.
The next day the kids will be very excited, they all got the gift.
Imagine Christmas always fill in the romantic. There are fallen snow in the sky they are playing with the wind, and then very light to every corner of the world, carrying the sweet blessing, but silent. Is a piece of on the earth, and all kinds of the footprints, or deep or shallow, is like concealed. Pedestrian street must be bright lights, colorful neon lights shining person changes, noisy, people are in fact very thick thick, chubby, can see the bright smile on his face, per person, different styles of hats, scarves and gloves, as real everyone laughs is true is true. There are no stranger, know not know each other's blessing, white arms slowly rise, excessive load every one convenient, they are very light very light. Quiet a little, right across the street is another a taste, occasionally hear trampled snow make 4, if if gradually far, with the rustling of snowflakes flying, like a low-key piece of piano music, soft and colorful. Yellowing of the street lamp, two figures, the boy holding the girl's hand, the air, girl's cheeks glowed red, the boy will from time to time by hand
Beautiful picture, always perfect make me want to cry. A lot of time, imagine those too good things always let me retreat. May be too much understand the illusoriness of them, so, it would only be separate think, there is no thought of what to achieve. I don't know if it is a kind of sadness, a pain will not be the party, I don't know this is due to his cowardice, or display is too cruel. But also good, I at least have a pocket full of meetings, those happy, forever deep pierced my heart bit by bit.
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