Don’t Get Caught! 不要被逮著了!
Out in the forest preserve, a man strolled up to the fisherman and asked whether he’d had any luck.
“No, nothing today, but you should have seen me yesterday. I caught fourteen bass in the morning and another twelve in the afternoon.”
“Well, that’s very interesting. Do you know who I am?”
“I happen to be the game warden.”
“Oh. And do you know who I am? I’m the biggest liar you ever laid eyes on.”
Sounds Fair 聽起來還算公平
A woman was reporting to her husband about the events of the day.
“Oh, and I had a big fight with the electric company.”
“Really? Who won?”
“Nobody, it was a tie. They don’t get any money and we don’t get any electricity.”
Learning to Share 學習共同分享
Johnny divided a piece of pie into two pieces, kept the bigger piece for himself and gave the smaller piece to his sister.
“Hey,” said his sister, “if I’d divided the pie, I would have kept the smaller piece for myself.”
“Well, that’s what you got, so what are you complaining about?”
Aren’t Kids Wonderful? 小孩子實在了不起!
Mother got on the train with Little Johnny and Little Ronny.
Little Johnny was full of questions, as usual: “What’s an emergency brake, Mommy?” “Why did that policeman ask to see our tickets?” “Why can’t I lean out the window?” etc.
His mother was becoming ever more exasperated.
Finally, Little Johnny asked, “What was that last station we stopped at, Mommy?”
“I don’t know, Johnny, and will you please stop pestering me? I’m trying to read.”
A few minutes of silence passed. Then Johnny said, “It’s too bad you don’t know what station that was,’ cause that’s where Little Ronny got off.”
A Lesson in Philosophy 哲學課一則
Why worry?
Really, you have only two things to worry about—either you are sick or you are well.
If you are well, you have nothing to worry about, and if you are sick, you have only two things to worry about—either you get well or you die.
If you get well, you have nothing to worry about, and if yo die, you have only two things to worry about—either you go to heaven or you go to hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about, and if you go to hell... You’ll be so busy shaking hands with old friends, you won’t have time to worry!