


  A: He has a real skill when it comes to diplomacy.

  B: Do you know what his technique is that makes him so skilled?

  A: It’s a natural gift. He just knows how to deal with people effectively.

  B: I have seen him network at social events and he does seem to have a certain flair for dealing with all types of people.

  A: 他這個人處理人際關係很有一套。

  B: 你知道他這樣遊刃有餘到底用的是什麼技巧呢?

  A: 那是一種天賦,他就是知道如何有效地語言與人交往。

  B: 我曾經見過他在聚會上四處建立聯絡,他的確具備與各種人打交道的天賦。


  diplomacy: 外交;***處理人際關係等的***手腕圓滑。

  technique: ***科學、藝術等方面在過程、細節或表現方面展示的***專業技巧;技術,方法。

  gift: ***用於某些特殊工作的高層次的***天賦;才能;天資。

  flair: ***天生的或特別的***才能;天賦;天資。

  network: ***為自己的發展***同他人建立關係。



  A: Lorna has a special craft. She’s able to mold figures out of clay.

  B: She should go into business – you’ve got the money, she’s got the skill.

  A: Lorna有個絕活兒,他會捏泥人。

  B: 她應該去做生意——你有錢,她有手藝。


  A: My husband has absolutely no faculty whatsoever for manual work. He doesn’t know how to fix anything.

  B: It’s a good thing that you’ve got plenty of manual dexterity. You can make repairs to the house and he can do the housework.

  A: 我老公對動手的活兒一竅不通,什麼都不會修。

  B: 好在你的手很巧。你可以做家裡維修的活,他來做家務。


  craft: 特殊的技能;技巧;手藝。

  faculty: 才能,本領;技能;智慧;身體生來就有的技能。

  dexterity: ***手或身體的***靈巧,嫻熟,敏捷。

  mold: 捏製;使成形。

  figure: 人物;人的外形。

  manual: 手的;用手操作的

  whatsoever: 不管,不論。

  it's a good thing that … : 好在……