A: You’re such a bungling klutz, John. You can’t juggle the New York Stock Market without having knowledge about how stocks really work.
B: I suppose you have to be a professional to juggle the market, not an amateur like me.
A: John,你這個木頭腦袋。你連股票是怎麼回事都不知道,還想在紐約股票市場上玩花招。
B: 要想在股市上玩得如魚得水,像我這樣的外行可不行,你得是個精於此道的高手。
A: Jan was so tactless today. She asked Helen why she hasn’t got married yet.
B: She’s always like that. Couldn’t she figure out that Helen can’t find a husband because she’s a little overweight?
A: Yes, but she didn’t understand the question would hurt Helen.
A: Jan今天沒長腦子吧,居然問Helen為什麼還沒結婚。
B: 她老是那樣,難道她不知道Helen是因為太胖才找不到老公的嗎?
A: 她知道,她只是不明白這樣問傷害Helen。
bungling: 工作或行動上笨拙的。
klutz: 木頭腦袋;***。
juggle: 欺騙,詐取。
amateur: 因做事不老練而顯笨拙;像個初學者;非職業的;不專業的。
tactless: 不老練的,不圓滑的,不得體的。
A: Did you see him fall all over himself making excuses?
B: He really messed up this time. I doubt if his girlfriend will forgive him.
A: That was a really bonehead move not to invite her friends along with them to the party.
B: He’s all thumbs when it comes to his girlfriend. He just can’t do anything right!
A: 看到他使出渾身解數為自己找藉口了嗎?
B: 他這次真的是搞砸了。我懷疑他女朋友是否會原諒他。
A: 真愚蠢到家了,竟然不邀請她女朋友的朋友和他們一道去參加聚會。
B: 他一遇到他女朋友,就笨手笨腳的,什麼事都做不好。
fall all over oneself: 不遺餘力。使出渾身解數。
mess up: 把某事搞砸。
a bonehead move: 指某行動並不聰明。bonehead是指某人的頭腦像是骨頭一樣,是中空的。
all thumbs: 用來形容一個人有點笨拙,身體上或技巧上缺乏協調性。
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