AStephanie! Did you just get to school? But you were up and about when I left the dorm this morning! That was about an hour and a half ago. This happens all the time! Why do you always take so long to get ready the morning?
BIt’s a skill. What can I say? I don’t know why, I just have a long routine.
APlease explain because it makes no sense to me. How can a girl’s routine be so complicated? You get up , you shower, you get dressed, you brush your teeth, you’re out the door. Half an hour, tops.
BJacob, you have the luxury of having a haircut that rarely needs styling. I don’t. I have to set aside about an hour and a half to get ready in the mornings. Every day, I wake up and head straight for the shower. Every second day , I wash my hair. If it’s a hair-washing day, I frequently need to wash my hair twice because it gets really oily. Then I usually put in a conditioner and have to rinse that out too. Because my hair is so long, I seldom manage to take a shower in under twenty minutes. Afterwards, I often put on a pot of coffee and get dressed while I wait for it to brew. I take a long time to get dressed in the morning. Every now and then I remember to choose my outfit the night before , but usually I do it in the morning. In all, getting dressed takes about half an hour, at which time my hair is now semi-dry so then I have to style my hair. From time to time I’ll put my hair up, but oftentimes I blowdry it straight. And then, because of the texture of my hair, I regularly have to flat-iron it to kee
ATrue, I hardly ever see you without your hair done and your makeup on, even when you show up to class in sweatpants. Tell me, how long does it take you to choose that outfit in the morning?
BNot funny.
AThank you for organizing this great baby shower for me! I’ve always been to baby showers but never actually had one held for me! Let’s get started!
BOk, let’s start opening some presents!
AOh look! What a great little bib for the baby! This will definitely come in handy! Oh wow, you also got me a stroller! That’s so great! Thank you!
BThis next one is from Betty.
AA highchair and car seat! Wow Betty,thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
BOne more from Carla.
AA playpen and crib! Thanks Carla! This is just what I needed!
BOK, that’s all of them. No more gifts. Now who wants to guess when the baby is due?
AUmm. I think my water just broke! Get me to a hospital!
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