




  聯步趨丹陛, 分曹限紫微。

  曉隨天仗入, 暮惹御香歸。

  白髮悲花落, 青雲羨鳥飛。

  聖朝無闕事, 自覺諫書稀。

  a message to censor du fu at his office in the left court

  cen can

  together we officials climbed vermilion steps,

  to be parted by the purple walls....

  our procession, which entered the palace at dawn,

  leaves fragrant now at dusk with imperial incense.

  ...grey heads may grieve for a fallen flower,

  or blue clouds envy a lilting bird;

  but this reign is of heaven, nothing goes wrong,

  there have been almost no petitions.




  陽月南飛雁, 傳聞至此回。

  我行殊未已, 何日復歸來。

  江靜潮初落, 林昏瘴不開。

  明朝望鄉處, 應見隴頭梅。

  inscribed on the wall of an inn north of dayu mountain

  song zhiwen

  they say that wildgeese, flying southward,

  here turn back, this very month....

  shall my own southward journey

  ever be retraced, i wonder?

  ...the river is pausing at ebb-tide,

  and the woods are thick with clinging mist --

  but tomorrow morning, over the mountain,

  dawn will be white with the plum-trees of home.




  幾行歸塞盡, 片影獨何之?

  暮雨相呼失, 寒塘欲下遲。

  渚雲低暗渡, 關月冷相隨。

  未必逢矰繳, 孤飛自可疑。

  a solitary wildgoose

  cui tu

  line after line has flown back over the border.

  where are you headed all by yourself?

  in the evening rain you call to them --

  and slowly you alight on an icy pond.

  the low wet clouds move faster than you

  along the wall toward the cold moon.

  ...if they caught you in a net or with a shot,

  would it be worse than flying alone?




  迢遞三巴路, 羈危萬里身。

  亂山殘雪夜, 孤獨異鄉春。

  漸與骨肉遠, 轉於僮僕親。

  那堪正飄泊, 明日歲華新。

  on new year's eve

  cui tu

  farther and farther from the three ba roads,

  i have come three thousand miles, anxious and watchful,

  through pale snow-patches in the jagged nightmountains --

  a stranger with a lonely lantern shaken in the wind.

  ...separation from my kin

  binds me closer to my servants --

  yet how i dread, so far adrift,

  new year's day, tomorrow morning!




  清晨入古寺, 初日照高林。

  曲徑通幽處, 禪房花木深。

  山光悅鳥性, 潭影空人心。

  萬籟此俱寂, 惟餘鐘磬音。

  a buddhist retreat behind broken-mountain temple

  chang jian

  in the pure morning, near the old temple,

  where early sunlight points the tree-tops,

  my path has wound, through a sheltered hollow

  of boughs and flowers, to a buddhist retreat.

  here birds are alive with mountain-light,

  and the mind of man touches peace in a pool,

  and a thousand sounds are quieted

  by the breathing of a temple-bell.