a message to meng haoran
li bai
master, i hail you from my heart,
and your fame arisen to the skies....
renouncing in ruddy youth the importance of hat and chariot,
you chose pine-trees and clouds; and now, whitehaired,
drunk with the moon, a sage of dreams,
flower- bewitched, you are deaf to the emperor....
high mountain, how i long to reach you,
breathing your sweetness even here!
吾愛孟夫子, 風流天下聞。
紅顏棄軒冕, 白首臥鬆雲。
醉月頻中聖, 迷花不事君。
高山安可仰? 徒此挹清芬。
a farewell to a friend
li bai
with a blue line of mountains north of the wall,
and east of the city a white curve of water,
here you must leave me and drift away
like a loosened water-plant hundreds of miles....
i shall think of you in a floating cloud;
so in the sunset think of me.
...we wave our hands to say good-bye,
and my horse is neighing again and again.
青山橫北郭, 白水繞東城。
此地一為別, 孤蓬萬里徵。
浮雲遊子意, 落日故人情。
揮手自茲去, 蕭蕭班馬鳴。
a brief but happy meeting with my brother-in law
"meeting by accident, only to part"
li yi
after these ten torn wearisome years
we have met again. we were both so changed
that hearing first your surname, i thought you a stranger --
then hearing your given name, i remembered your young face....
all that has happened with the tides
we have told and told till the evening bell....
tomorrow you journey to youzhou,
leaving autumn between us, peak after peak.
十年離亂後, 長大一相逢。
問姓驚初見, 稱名憶舊容。
別來滄海事, 語罷暮天鍾。
明日巴陵道, 秋山又幾重。
on a walk in the early spring
harmonizing a poem by my friend lu
stationed at changzhou
du shenyan
only to wanderers can come
ever new the shock of beauty,
of white cloud and red cloud dawning from the sea,
of spring in the wild-plum and river-willow....
i watch a yellow oriole dart in the warm air,
and a green water- plant reflected by the sun.
suddenly an old song fills
my heart with home, my eyes with tears.
獨有宦遊人, 偏驚物候新。
雲霞出海曙, 梅柳渡江春。
淑氣催黃鳥, 晴光轉綠蘋。
忽聞歌古調, 歸思欲沾巾。
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