:親近大自然Get Close to the Nature
When I was in middle school, I moved to the city to live with my parents, I miss my hometown all the time, I can’t forget about the beautiful mountain and the clear water. So in this summer vacation, I went back to my hometown, when I saw the familiar country road, I was so happy, I knew I was close to the nature. I took in the fresh air, I smelt the straw’s flavor, I took a look at the mountains and the clear water again. All of these made me relaxed, the nature was right in front of me. I hope the scenery won’t change all the time, once I have time, I will come back to enjoy it.
:可敬的人The Respectable People
Today is Saturday, I don’t need to go to school, so I decided to take some morning exercises. Early in the morning, I went out of the house and looked around, the city was so quiet. With few cars, the air was fresh, I felt so comfortable. Besides the people who took the morning exercise, I found some people who worn the orange uniform, they were working. This was the first time for me to see the cleaners work in the morning, they were easily neglected, because they worked so early and when the time for people to go to work, cleaners rested. Watching these cleaners working, I feel so thankful for them, they were doing the greatest job. People praised them as the city’s dressers, they kept the city clean all the time and brought comfort to people. They are the respectable people, we should applause for them.
:困在咖啡館Stuck In the Coffee House
It has been raining for almost a week, I have stayed at home since then, I feel so bored. Today, early in the morning, the weather seemed good, because the sun was going to come out, so I decided to go out to play with my friends. We went to the park and played happily. Suddenly, it rained again, we had to run away to find a place to take a break. We ran into a coffee house, we sat in a table, drinking the coffee and taking about many things. We shared our happiness and sorrow. It was such a great time for me, though I was stuck in the coffee house.
:我的表妹My Cousin
I am one year older than my cousin. Both of us are the only child in the family, so my cousin and I are very closed, we are just like the sisters. I like to share my secret with my cousin, because I don’t want to tell my parents. My cousin is a good listener, when I feel not happy, I will tell her about my annoyance, then she will comfort me and make me feel better. When Friday comes, I will ask my cousin to sleep with me, we will talk about a lot of things. I am so lucky that I have a cousin as my good friends.
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