Mark, our youngest son, was born after I had completed my active Air Force career. As a retired colonel, I enjoyed discussing with the children my time in the service. One day,Mark asked me what a colonel was,and I suggested he look up the word in the dictionary.“Dad,I think I found it,"he said,a few minutes later. " soft part of a nut.'"
My battery commander and I were interviewing candidates for a position as reconnaissance sergeant in our artillery unit. The selected soldier needed to have keen eyesight,plus the ability to react quickly. During one interview,the commander pointed to a hill about a mile away and asked a young sergeant,"Can you see that hill over there?"
"Yes,sir, "he replied.
"Can you see the radio antenna on that hi11?"Again, the soldier said that he could." Well,then," the commander went on,”can you see the bird sitting on the antenna?"
The sergeant leaned forward and squinted.”No,sir,”he said,"but I can hear it singing.“
He got the job.
I was taking my mother for a drive,and she' d scold me whenever I went over the speed limit. Unfortunately I dismissed her advice,and a state trooper gulled me over and issued a ticket.
As my mother and I continued on our way,I complained that he should have let rne off with a warning."Joan,"she said,"I gave you the warning. He gave you the ticket. "
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