


  主語從句 定義:在句子中擔當主語的是一個從句,這個從句就叫做主語從句。


  1. It 作形式主語和it引導強調句的比較

  ①主語從句常用it作形式主語,一般常用句型為:It is+{名詞/形容詞/過去分詞}+主語從句例如:

  It is still a question whether she will come or not.

  It is strange that you should like him.

  It is still unknown which team will win the match.


  It turned out that……;

  It has been proved that……;

  It happened/occurred that……;

  It is well-known that……等等


  強調主語:It is the times that produce their heroes.時勢造英雄

  強調賓語:It is English that Prof.Lin teaches us.

  強調狀語:It was in shanghai that I saw the film.


  2. 用it 作形式主語的結構

  ***1*** It is +名詞+that從句

  It is a fact that … 事實是……

  It is an honor that …非常榮幸

  It is common knowledge that …是常識

  ***2*** it is +形容詞+that從句

  It is natural that… 很自然……

  It is strange that… 奇怪的是……

  ***3*** it +不及物動詞+that從句

  It seems that… 似乎……

  It happened that… 碰巧……

  ***4*** it is+過去分詞+that從句

  It is reported that… 據報道……

  It has been proved that… 已證實……


  ***1*** if引導的主語從句不可居於複合句句首。

  ***2*** It is said , ***reported*** …結構中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

  It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week.

  ***3*** It happens…, It occurs… 結構中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

  It occurred to him that he failed in the examination.

  ***4*** It doesn’t matter how/whether …結構中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

  It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not..

  ***5*** 含主語從句的複合句是疑問句時,主語從句不可提前。例如:

  Is it likely that it will rain in the evening?

  4. What 與that 在引導主語從句時的區別

  What 引導主語從句時在從句中充當句子成分,如主語.賓語.表語,而that 則不然。例如:

  What you said yesterday is right.